Soupermail Folders:  
To: everyone@everywhere
Date: $Date: 2001/02/02 00:48:22 $
Subject: Soupermail Config Tutorial

Soupermail Config Tutorial

I get asked how to write config files a lot, so this tutorial is a guide to help you get started if you're really lost. It assumes that you've installed Soupermail correctly, and that you are ready to write some forms.

There are only 6 Steps, and it should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Step 1

The first step is to understand that every form you write needs a config file. So, say out aloud

"Every form I write needs a config file"
"Every form I write needs a config file"
"Every form I write needs a config file"

Good :)

Step 2

Now we'll write a simple form.

Make a form like the one below, and save it on your website as myform.htm.

<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/">
This is a value <input type="text" name="myvalue">
<input type="submit">

Make sure that you change the form's action to the correct value for where Soupermail is installed on your server.

Step 3

Now, we'll make a simple config file for the form.

Start your favourite editor (eg. Homesite, Frontpage, emacs, vi, notepad), and write the following lines into a file.

subject: This is my first config!

Obviously, change to YOUR email address.

Step 4

Now, save the the config file you created in Step 3 into THE SAME DIRECTORY as the form from Step 2, and call it myconfig.txt.

What files you should have
This shows the files you should have by now

Step 5

Now, we have to let Soupermail know that myconfig.txt will be used for the form myform.htm.

Open myform.htm in your editor, and add the following line into the form.

<input type="hidden" name="SoupermailConf" value="myconfig.txt">

Your form should now look like this:

<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/">
This is a value <input type="text" name="myvalue">
<input type="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="SoupermailConf" value="myconfig.txt">

Step 6

Thats it. Now visit your form in a browser, and submit it. You should receive an email generated by Soupermail containing the form field.

Here are the files themselves, if you are still unsure:

Next Steps

Well, with any luck, you should have seen how easy it is to make a config file. No doubt you'll want to play with templates and explore more of Soupermail. The best thing to do is to download the examples and have a look at what they can do. Also, I STRONGLY suggest you read the manual - it is a source of untold wisdom.