#!/usr/bin/perl -- # -*-mode: Perl; tab-width: 4 -*- my $relVersion = "1.0.8"; ############################################################################ # Soupermail # # Internal build version: # $Id: soupermail.pl,v 1.136 2001/02/07 22:04:55 aithalv Exp $ # # Soupermail. A whacky and powerful WWW to Email form handler. # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Vittal Aithal # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received # a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, # MA 02139, USA. # ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # Set up the modules soupermail uses - these should all be perl5 standard ############################################################################ use lib qw(.); use CGI; use FileHandle; use File::Copy; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); use Time::Local; use POSIX qw(floor); use MIME::Lite; use strict; use 5.004; # Not all systems will have DBI, so eval to trap. eval('use DBI;'); my $hasDbi = ($@ ? 0 : 1); BEGIN { if ($^O =~ /MSWin/i) { require Win32::File; import Win32::File; } } ############################################################################ my ($soupermailAdmin, $serverRoot, $mailprog, $mailhost, $pgpencrypt, $tempDir, $debug, $lout, $loutOpts, $pgpSet, $privateRoot, $forkable, $fhBug, $uploadTimeout, $ps2pdf, $fileLocking, $smtpPoolSize, $paranoid) = ""; ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # This is who to mail when soupermail goes wrong # PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE # PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE # PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE # CHANGE THIS!!! # I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GET ADMIN EMAILS ABOUT YOUR SITE!!!! ############################################################################ $soupermailAdmin = 'vittal.aithal@bigfoot.com'; ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # This is where the webserver's document tree starts # Do NOT include a trailing '/' character # # Some examples: # $serverRoot = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot'; # Default NT/IIS setup # $serverRoot = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}; # May work on some webservers # $serverRoot = '/home/www/html'; # A typical UNIX setting ############################################################################ $serverRoot = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}; ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # If you want to hide your config files from people browsing your site, # provide a path OUTSIDE your server root here. # # Some examples: # $privateRoot = "c:/inetpub/private"; ############################################################################ $privateRoot = "/home/httpd/soupermail.sourceforge.net/private"; ############################################################################ # Program locations. These will vary from site to site, so check that # they're there and setup as appropriate ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # To send outgoing mail, soupermail needs an SMTP mailserver to talk to. # If you don't know the address of a suitable mailserver, ask your ISP # or a system administrator. If you don't have a mailserver handy, you # can use sendmail. # If you indend to use the maillist features, I suggest you use a mailhost # since it is probably faster. # # Some examples: # $mailhost = 'localhost'; # Local SMTP server for NT # $mailprog = ''; # No mail program for NT # # $mailhost = ''; # No SMTP host for UNIX # $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; # Local sendmail for UNIX ############################################################################ $mailhost = 'localhost'; $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # The program to do pgp encryption. This was tested with PGP 5.0i # and GNU Privacy Guard 1.0.4 on my home Linux box, your milage # may vary with others. # Set up the versions of GPG and/or pgp you have on your server # here. ############################################################################ $pgpSet = { 'gpg' => '/usr/local/bin/gpg', 'pgp2' => '/usr/local/bin/pgp2.6.3', 'pgp5' => '/usr/local/bin/pgpe', }; ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # These are the programs needed to generate PDFs # $ps2pdf is the location of the ps2pdf command # $lout is the location of the lout executable # Safe to comment out if they're not used # # Some examples: # Ghostscript and lout settings for NT # $ps2pdf = 'c:/gstools/gs5.50/ps2pdf.bat'; # $lout = 'c:/lout/3.17/lout.exe'; ############################################################################ # Ghostscript and lout settings for UNIX $ps2pdf = '/usr/bin/ps2pdf'; $lout = '/usr/local/bin/lout'; ############################################################################ # ---CHANGE ME FOR YOUR SITE--- # Where to write out temporary files. If you're using PGP, or making # PDFs, several files will be generated in a sudirectory off here. # Include a trailing '/' character. # # Some examples: # $tempDir = 'c:/temp/'; # Default temp area on NT ############################################################################ $tempDir = '/var/tmp/'; ############################################################################ # Uncomment this to see what soupermail's doing. # On a production server make sure its commented out. ############################################################################ $debug = ""; #$debug = "${tempDir}soupermaillog"; ############################################################################ # If your machine doesn't have fork() support, try setting this to 0 ############################################################################ $forkable = 1; ############################################################################ # If you have trouble uploading files, try setting this to 1 # FreeBSD users may well need to do this ############################################################################ $fhBug = 1; ############################################################################ # If you are uploading large files, and soupermail's timing out, then # increase this value. The units are seconds ############################################################################ $uploadTimeout = 100; ############################################################################ # This stuff is for PDF generation ############################################################################ $loutOpts = " -S"; ############################################################################ # $maxbytes is the maximum number of bytes allowed to be uploaded. # Its not very cleverly handled at the moment, but what can you do. ############################################################################ my ($maxbytes) = 102400; ############################################################################ # $maxdownload is the maximum number of bytes allowed to be downloaded. ############################################################################ my ($maxdownload) = 10240000; ############################################################################ # To prevent problems when lots of people are submiting fileto forms at # the same time, file locking can be used. However - NT may screw up. ############################################################################ $fileLocking = 1; ############################################################################ # If you are sending out a large mailing list to several hundred addresses # and you find that mailing stops after a while, you may have to increase # this value. Check your SMTP server's maximum messages per connection to # get a feel for the value. ############################################################################ $smtpPoolSize = 20; ############################################################################ # Paranoid should be used where people other than yourself have access to # your server. i.e. Other people can put content on some part of your # server. At worst case the person would write their own config files, # and read data from your server. Setting $paranoid to 1 prevents # Soupermail from reading files from a directory, unless that directory # contains a file called soupermail.allow ############################################################################ $paranoid = 1; ############################################################################ # Right, that in theory is the end of anything you have to configure in # soupermail.pl - the rest's generic... well, maybe :) # # HOWEVER - remember you'll have to write config files for your forms - # so now would be a good time to ==> READ THE MANUAL!! <== # Just to repeat... READ THE MANUAL, READ THE MANUAL, READ THE MANUAL # If things are going wrong, also READ THE FAQ AND THE HELP FORUM!!!! # # http://soupermail.sourceforge.net/manual.html # http://soupermail.sourceforge.net/faq.html # http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=342 # # Very important that stuff, Soupermail's complex, and takes time to learn, # please try to read about it BEFORE using it. ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # Set up some global constants ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # Useful month shortcuts ############################################################################ my (%MONTHS) = ('Jan','01','Feb','02','Mar','03','Apr','04','May','05','Jun','06', 'Jul','07','Aug','08','Sep','09','Oct','10','Nov','11','Dec','12'); ############################################################################ # We may be generating cookies, and they'll live in @cookieList # $cookieStr determines how many cookies we're allowing (9 by default) ############################################################################ my (@cookieList) = (); my ($cookieStr) = 'cookie([123456789])'; ############################################################################ # Other globals ############################################################################ my ($pageRoot, $config, %CONFIG, @required, @typeChecks, $configRoot, $query, $child, @bindVals, %sqlVals, %sqlCount, @listSql, $base); my $parent = $$; my @ignored = ('SoupermailConf'); my $CRLF = "\015\012"; ############################################################################ # Some default configuration values ############################################################################ my $today = time; $CONFIG{'expirydate'} = $today; $CONFIG{'subject'} = "Form Submission"; $CONFIG{'error'} = ""; $CONFIG{'successcookie'}= 1; $CONFIG{'failurecookie'}= 0; $CONFIG{'blankcookie'} = 0; $CONFIG{'expirescookie'}= 0; $CONFIG{'cgiwrappers'} = 0; $CONFIG{'pgpuploads'} = 1; $CONFIG{'pgppdfs'} = 1; $CONFIG{'pgptextmode'} = 0; $CONFIG{'counter'} = {}; $CONFIG{'charset'} = 'iso-8859-1'; $CONFIG{'encoding'} = '8BIT'; $CONFIG{'pgpmime'} = 1; $CONFIG{'alphasort'} = 1; $CONFIG{'encodesubjects'}= 0; $CONFIG{'successmime'} = 'text/html'; $CONFIG{'failuremime'} = 'text/html'; $CONFIG{'blankmime'} = 'text/html'; $CONFIG{'expiresmime'} = 'text/html'; $CONFIG{'listprecedence'}= 'list'; $CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} = 'gpg'; $CONFIG{'charset'} = 'iso-8859-1'; $CONFIG{'sqluser'} = ""; $CONFIG{'sqlpassword'} = ""; $CONFIG{'sqlname'} = ""; $CONFIG{'listbase'} = ""; $CONFIG{'mailbase'} = ""; $CONFIG{'senderbase'} = ""; my %needToReplace = (); ### These are the config options that can use variable replacement my $replaceable = "^(mailto|(sender)?replyto|senderfrom|${cookieStr}value|" . '(sender)?subject|(sender)?bcc|ref|fileto|error|' . 'goto(success|blank|expires|failure))'; my $scratchPad = ""; my $OS; my $attachCount = 1; my $eToken = q([\w\-\.\!\#\$\%\^\&\*\{\}\'\|\+\`\~]); ### Taint things if we're not private my $privateConfig = 0; my $denyFile = "soupermail.deny"; my $allowFile = "soupermail.allow"; if ($^O =~ /MSWin/i) { $OS = "windows"; } else { $OS = "unix"; } ### Just in case people didn't read the instructions :) $serverRoot =~ s/[\/\\]$//; ### Concatenate dir breaks into single ones. $serverRoot =~ s/[\/\\]+/\//g; ### Speed things up by interpreting only what we need my $fileFunctions =<<'END_OF_FILE_FUNCTIONS'; ############################################################################ # Subroutine: hideFile ( filename ) # Make an OS specific call to hide a file from the webserver # makes the file hidden under windows, chmoded under unix ############################################################################ sub hideFile { ($debug) && (print STDERR "hideFile (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $filename = shift; no strict 'subs'; if ($OS eq "windows") { Win32::File::SetAttributes($filename, Win32::File::HIDDEN) } else { if ($CONFIG{"cgiwrappers"}) { chmod 0600, $filename; } else { chmod 0266, $filename; } } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: saveResults () # Save the results to a file called $fileto ############################################################################ sub saveResults { ($debug) && (print STDERR "saveResults (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $outstring = ""; my $outbuffer = ""; my ($value, $tmpfile); if ($CONFIG{'filetemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'filetemplate'}, \$outbuffer); if ($CONFIG{'nofilecr'}) { substOutput(\$outbuffer, '2'); } else { substOutput(\$outbuffer, '0'); } $outbuffer =~ s/\cM?\n$//; } else { my (@keylist) = sort($query->param()); my ($key); foreach $key (@keylist) { ### Because we may be dealing with multiple values, need to ### join with a comma. $value = join(',', $query->param($key)); $value =~ s/\cM?\n/ /g if ($CONFIG{'nofilecr'}); $outbuffer .= "$key = $value\n"; } } my ($header, $footer, $fileto) = ""; if ($CONFIG{'headings'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'headings'}, \$header); } if ($CONFIG{'footings'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'footings'}, \$footer); } showFile($CONFIG{'fileto'}); if (-f $CONFIG{'fileto'}) { my @fileStats = stat($CONFIG{'fileto'}); ### Is the file going to be bigger than the maximum? if ($CONFIG{'filemaxbytes'} && ($fileStats[7] + length($outbuffer)) > $CONFIG{'filemaxbytes'}) { ### Yes, it is too big, but first see if it needs copying. if ($CONFIG{'filebackupformat'}) { copy($CONFIG{'fileto'}, $CONFIG{'filebackupformat'}); hideFile($CONFIG{'filebackupformat'}) unless ($CONFIG{'filereadable'}); } ### Now delete it. unlink $CONFIG{'fileto'}; } else { grabFile($CONFIG{'fileto'}, \$fileto); } } $fileto = $header . $footer unless ($fileto); if ($CONFIG{'filepgpuserid'}) { pgpMessage(\$outbuffer, $CONFIG{'filepgpuserid'}); } open (FILETO, "> $CONFIG{fileto}") || fatal("Failed to write data file:\n\n $CONFIG{fileto}"); ($fileLocking) && flock(FILETO, LOCK_EX); if ($CONFIG{'fileattop'}) { ### want to add new entries to top of file. print FILETO $header; print FILETO $outbuffer; print FILETO substr($fileto, length($header)); } else { if ($footer) { print FILETO substr($fileto, 0, (-1 * length($footer))); } else { print FILETO $fileto; } print FILETO $outbuffer; print FILETO $footer; } ($fileLocking) && flock(FILETO, LOCK_UN); close (FILETO); hideFile($CONFIG{'fileto'}) unless ($CONFIG{'filereadable'}); return 1; } sub genFileto { $CONFIG{'fileto'} = makePath(translateFormat($CONFIG{'fileto'})); $CONFIG{'fileto'} =~ m!^(.*)/[^/]*$!; my $tmpFileName = $1; ### We have to check to see if its writable, or at least the ### directory where it'll be created is writable. Also check ### the file's a read file and not a symlink fatal ("Can not write to fileto of:\n\n $CONFIG{fileto}") if ((-e $CONFIG{'fileto'} && ! -w $CONFIG{'fileto'}) || (-e $CONFIG{'fileto'} && -l $CONFIG{'fileto'}) || (! -e $CONFIG{'fileto'} && ! -w $tmpFileName)); } END_OF_FILE_FUNCTIONS my $templateFunctions =<<'END_OF_TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS'; ############################################################################ # Subroutine: getOutVals ( name, {attributes}, iscounter ) # Given a variable name and an assoc array of attributes, return a list # of values with appropriate formatting. The value of iscounter is set by # reference. ############################################################################ sub getOutVals { my @nameoutput = (); $_ = shift; my $at = shift; my $isCounter = shift; my %ATTRIBS = %$at; $debug && print STDERR "In getOutVals with $_\n"; $ATTRIBS{'format'} = '%ddd% %mmmm% %dd% %yyyy%' if (/^http_date/ && !$ATTRIBS{'format'}); $ATTRIBS{'format'} = '%hhhh%:%mm%:%ss%' if (/^http_time/ && !$ATTRIBS{'format'}); $$isCounter = 0; if (/^http_[a-zA-Z_]+$/) { if (!/^http_(time|date)$/) { push(@nameoutput, getHttpValue($_)) if (getHttpValue($_)); } else { push(@nameoutput, translateFormat($ATTRIBS{'format'}, $ATTRIBS{'timeoffset'})); } } elsif (/^cookie_([\w\-]+)/) { push(@nameoutput, $query->cookie($1)) if ($query->cookie($1)); } elsif (/^counter_(\d+)/i) { push(@nameoutput, $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${1}value"}) if ($CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${1}value"}); $$isCounter = (!$CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${1}value"}); } elsif (/^maillist_(\d+)$/) { if ($CONFIG{"maillistdata"}) { push(@nameoutput, $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1}); } } elsif (/^sql_\d+_\d+_\d+$/) { push(@nameoutput, $sqlVals{$_}) if ($sqlVals{$_} || $sqlVals{$_} eq '0'); } else { push(@nameoutput, $query->param($_)); } if ($ATTRIBS{'format'} =~ /^\%(c+)\%$/) { my $span = length($1); @nameoutput = map { s/\D//g; s/(\d{0,$span})/$1 /g; s/\s+$//s; $_; } @nameoutput; } return @nameoutput; } ############################################################################ # doMaths ( element_list, element_name, attributes ) # For every element in the list, perform the maths function specified in # the math attribute. Assume this is for the element named element_name ############################################################################ sub doMaths { my $list = shift; my $name = shift; my $at = shift; my $isCounter = 0; my $expr = $at->{'math'}; $expr =~ s/\s//g; my $toEval = ""; my $mathSyms = '\)\(\+\-\*\/'; $debug && print STDERR "In doMath with $expr\n"; while ($expr =~ /[sS][uU][mM]\(([^\)]+)\)/) { my $var = $1; my @vals = getOutVals($var, $at, \$isCounter); my $sum = 0; for (@vals) { if (/^(\-?(\d*\.)?\d+)$/) { $sum += $_; } } $expr =~ s/[sS][uU][mM]\(\Q$var\E\)/$sum/g; } while ($expr =~ /[cC][oO][uU][nN][tT]\(([^\)]+)\)/) { my $var = $1; my @vals = getOutVals($var, $at, \$isCounter); my $cnt = scalar(@vals); $expr =~ s/[cC][oO][uU][nN][tT]\(\Q$var\E\)/$cnt/g; } my @breakdown = split(/([^$mathSyms]+)/, $expr); $debug && print STDERR ("Breakdown = " . join(" | ", @breakdown) . "\n"); for (@breakdown) { if (/^\s*([$mathSyms]+|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)\s*$/) { s/^0+([^\.])/$1/; $toEval .= $_; } elsif ($_ ne $name && $_) { my @vals = getOutVals($_, $at, \$isCounter); if ($vals[0] && $vals[0] =~ /^(\-?(\d*\.)?\d+)$/) { my $x = sprintf("%f", $vals[0]); $toEval .= "(" . $x . ")"; } elsif ($_) { $toEval .= "0"; } } elsif ($_) { $toEval .= $name; } } $toEval =~ s/([$mathSyms])(\-(?:(\d*\.)?\d+))/$1\($2\)/g; $toEval =~ s/\)\(\-(\d)/\)-\($1/g; $debug && print STDERR "to eval is $toEval\n"; my $i = 0; while ($i < scalar(@$list)) { my $thisEval = $toEval; my $rep = ($list->[$i] ? ($list->[$i] =~ /^(\-?(\d*\.)?\d+)$/ ? $list->[$i] : "1") : "0"); $thisEval =~ s/\Q$name\E/$list->[$i]/g; $thisEval =~ s/[^${mathSyms}\.\d]//g; $debug && print STDERR "Evaling $thisEval\n"; my $r = eval($thisEval); if ($at->{'precision'} =~/^(\-?)\d+$/) { ### allow for negative precisions for the fractional portion if ($1) { $at->{'precision'} = $at->{'precision'} * -1; $r = $r - int($r); $r = sprintf("%." . $at->{'precision'} . "f", $r); $r =~ s/.*\.//; } else { $r = sprintf("%." . $at->{'precision'} . "f", $r); } } $list->[$i] = ($r ? $r : ($@ ? "NaN" : "0")); $i++; } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: URLunescape ( string ) # Takes a URL escaped string and unencodes it. Again pinched from CGI.pm ############################################################################ sub URLunescape { ($debug) && (print STDERR "URLunescape (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $todecode = shift; return undef unless defined($todecode); $todecode =~ tr/+/ /; # pluses become spaces $todecode =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; return $todecode; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: substOutput ( buffer_containing_output_tags, # flag_to_specify_format ) # Substitute all instances of the output tag in a string # returning the substituted string # $format is '0' for no changes # '1' for output newlines as HTML
elements # '2' for remove all newlines, and replace with space characters. # '4' prepare the output for lout ############################################################################ sub substOutput { ($debug) && (print STDERR "substOutput (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($buffer, $format, $includes) = @_; my ($tempstring, $endstring, $outstring, $doLines) = ""; $outstring = ""; doLoops($buffer); $$buffer =~ s#(.*?)# subOnly($3,$1,$2)#siexg; while ($$buffer =~ /(\s]+?\s*=\s*('[^']*'| "[^\"]*"|[^\s>]+))+\s*>)/iox) { $$buffer = $'; $endstring = $`; ($tempstring, $doLines) = translateOutput($1); $tempstring =~ s/\n/
/g if ($format == 1 && !$doLines); $tempstring =~ s/\cM?\n/ /g if ($format == 2); $tempstring = clean4Lout($tempstring) if ($format == 4); $outstring .= "$endstring$tempstring"; } $$buffer = "$outstring$$buffer"; $outstring = ""; if ($format == 1 || $includes) { ### CRAZZEEEE!!! do SSI type includes if its a HTML format type ### substitution. while ($$buffer =~ /<\!\-\-\#include\s+virtual\s*=\s* ("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|(\S+))\s* (type\s*=\s*(?:html|"html"|'html')\s*)?-->/xi) { $$buffer = $'; $endstring = $`; $tempstring = ""; my $incFile = $2; $incFile = $3 if ($3); $incFile = $4 if ($4); my $needsEncoding = $5; ($debug) && (print STDERR "including $incFile\n"); $incFile = makePath($incFile); if (-f $incFile && -r $incFile && -T $incFile) { grabFile($incFile, \$tempstring); } $tempstring = clean4Lout($tempstring) if ($format == 4); $tempstring = dehtml(undef, $tempstring) if ($needsEncoding); $outstring .= "$endstring$tempstring"; } } $$buffer = $outstring . $$buffer; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: subOnly ( replace_data, condition [, condition ] ) # Return the replacement text if the condition is true ############################################################################ sub subOnly { my $repTxt = shift; my $cond = shift; $cond = shift unless ($cond); return (evalCond($cond) ? $repTxt : ""); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: translateOutput ( output_tag_string ) # Take a tag in the form and return the value based on # %rqpairs. If no pair exists, return "". ############################################################################ sub translateOutput { ($debug) && (print STDERR "translateOutput (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($line) = shift; my ($name, $attrib, $tag, $nameoutput) = ""; my (@nameoutput) = (); my (%ATTRIBS) = (); my (%SETATTRIBS) = (); my $isCounter = 0; my $newlineTrans = 0; my $matchVal = 1; my $matchData = 1; ### Some attributes can be declared multiple times. define them here my $multiAttr = { charmap => 1 }; foreach (keys %$multiAttr) { $ATTRIBS{$_} = []; } $ATTRIBS{'list'} = $ATTRIBS{'post'} = $ATTRIBS{'pre'} = $ATTRIBS{'case'} = $ATTRIBS{'name'} = $ATTRIBS{'sub'} = $ATTRIBS{'alt'} = $ATTRIBS{'math'} = $ATTRIBS{'format'} = $ATTRIBS{'delim'} = $ATTRIBS{'type'} = $ATTRIBS{'indent'} = $ATTRIBS{'newline'} = $ATTRIBS{'altvar'} = $ATTRIBS{'subvar'} = $ATTRIBS{'value'} = $ATTRIBS{'valuevar'} = $ATTRIBS{'data'} = $ATTRIBS{'wrap'} = $ATTRIBS{'timeoffset'} = ""; while ($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s>]+)/) { print STDERR "Translating $line\n" if ($debug); $line = $'; $attrib = lc($1); $tag = $2; $tag =~ s/^'([^']*)'/$1/ unless ($tag =~ s/^"([^"]*)"/$1/); if ($multiAttr->{$attrib}) { push(@{$ATTRIBS{$attrib}}, $tag); } else { $ATTRIBS{$attrib} = $tag; } $SETATTRIBS{$attrib} = 1; } $ATTRIBS{'name'} =~ s/^\s*([\S])/$1/; $ATTRIBS{'name'} =~ s/(.*[\S])\s*$/$1/; $_ = $ATTRIBS{'name'}; securityName($_); @nameoutput = getOutVals($_, \%ATTRIBS, \$isCounter); ### Firstly, it should be unescaped if needed. if ($ATTRIBS{'type'} =~ /^unescaped(html)?$/i) { @nameoutput = map { URLunescape($_); } @nameoutput; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'type'} =~ /^sql$/i) { push(@{$ATTRIBS{'charmap'}}, "',''"); $SETATTRIBS{'charmap'} = 1; } if (scalar(@nameoutput) && $ATTRIBS{'subvar'} && (!$SETATTRIBS{'valuevar'} || $nameoutput[0] eq $ATTRIBS{'valuevar'})) { securityName($ATTRIBS{'subvar'}); $debug && print STDERR "subvar replace $_ with $ATTRIBS{'subvar'}\n"; $_ = $ATTRIBS{'subvar'}; @nameoutput = getOutVals($_, \%ATTRIBS, \$isCounter); } elsif ((!scalar(@nameoutput) || ($SETATTRIBS{'valuevar'} && $nameoutput[0] ne $ATTRIBS{'valuevar'})) && $ATTRIBS{'altvar'}) { securityName($ATTRIBS{'altvar'}); $debug && print STDERR "altvar replace $_ with $ATTRIBS{'altvar'}\n"; $_ = $ATTRIBS{'altvar'}; @nameoutput = getOutVals($_, \%ATTRIBS, \$isCounter); } if ($SETATTRIBS{'value'}) { $matchVal = ($nameoutput[0] eq $ATTRIBS{'value'}) ? 1 : 0; } if ($SETATTRIBS{'data'} && scalar(@nameoutput)) { $ATTRIBS{'data'} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/\L$1\E/; $debug && print STDERR "data $nameoutput[0] as a $ATTRIBS{'data'}\n"; $matchData = !checkType($ATTRIBS{'data'},$nameoutput[0]); $debug && print STDERR "check results in $matchData\n"; } ### We can now apply various transformations on the data. ### Upper of lowercase if ($ATTRIBS{'case'} =~ /^upper$/i) { @nameoutput = map { uc($_); } @nameoutput; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'case'} =~ /^lower$/i) { @nameoutput = map { lc($_); } @nameoutput; } ### Perform maths functions if ($ATTRIBS{'math'}) { doMaths(\@nameoutput, $_, \%ATTRIBS); } ### Map special character if ($SETATTRIBS{'charmap'}) { foreach (@{$ATTRIBS{'charmap'}}) { if (m!(.)\,(.*)!) { my $fromChar = $1; my $toStr = $2; $debug && print STDERR "Char mapping -${fromChar}- to -${toStr}-\n"; $debug && print STDERR "(" . join("),(", @nameoutput) . ")\n"; @nameoutput = map { s/\Q$fromChar\E/$toStr/gs;$_; } @nameoutput; $debug && print STDERR "(" . join("),(", @nameoutput) . ")\n"; } } } if ($ATTRIBS{'type'} =~ /^escaped$/i) { @nameoutput = map { URLescape($_); } @nameoutput; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'type'} =~ /^(unescaped)?html$/i) { @nameoutput = map { dehtml($1,$_); } @nameoutput; } # Wrap the element if ($ATTRIBS{'wrap'} && $ATTRIBS{'wrap'} =~ /^0*[1-9][0-9]*$/) { my $wrapCnt = 0; while ($wrapCnt < scalar(@nameoutput)) { wrapText($ATTRIBS{'wrap'}, \${nameoutput[$wrapCnt++]}); } } if ($ATTRIBS{'newline'} =~ /^html$/i) { @nameoutput = map { s/(\r?\n)/
\n/gs;$_; } @nameoutput; $newlineTrans = 1; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'newline'} =~ /^none$/i) { @nameoutput = map { s/(\r?\n)/ /gs;$_; } @nameoutput; $newlineTrans = 1; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'newline'} =~ /^paragraphs$/i) { @nameoutput = map { s/(\r?\n){3,}/\n\n/gs;$_; } @nameoutput; @nameoutput = map { s/(\r?\n){1,1}/\n/gs;$_; } @nameoutput; $newlineTrans = 1; } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'newline'} =~ /^unchanged$/i) { $newlineTrans = 1; } if (@nameoutput || $nameoutput || $isCounter) { ### Now we have to be smart and handle multiple lists. Default ### behavior is to display multiples as HTML UL lists, but can ### be overridden by the list tag of OL, DIR or MENU. if (!$SETATTRIBS{'sub'} && ($ATTRIBS{'list'} || scalar(@nameoutput) > 1 )) { if ($SETATTRIBS{'delim'}) { $nameoutput= join("$ATTRIBS{post}$ATTRIBS{delim}$ATTRIBS{pre}", @nameoutput); return("$ATTRIBS{pre}$nameoutput$ATTRIBS{post}", $newlineTrans); } elsif ($ATTRIBS{'list'} =~ /TEXT/i) { ### Plain text list. $nameoutput = join("$ATTRIBS{post}\n * $ATTRIBS{pre}", @nameoutput); return("\n * $ATTRIBS{pre}$nameoutput$ATTRIBS{post}\n", $newlineTrans); } else { $ATTRIBS{'list'} = 'UL' unless ($ATTRIBS{'list'} ne ""); $nameoutput = join ("$ATTRIBS{post}
  • $ATTRIBS{pre}", @nameoutput); return("<$ATTRIBS{list}>
  • $ATTRIBS{pre}" . "$nameoutput$ATTRIBS{post}", $newlineTrans); } } else { $nameoutput = $nameoutput[0] unless ($nameoutput); if ($SETATTRIBS{'sub'} && $matchVal && $matchData) { return($ATTRIBS{'sub'},0); } elsif ($matchVal && $matchData) { if ($SETATTRIBS{'indent'}) { $nameoutput =~ s/(\cM?\n)/$1$ATTRIBS{'indent'}/g ; $nameoutput = $ATTRIBS{'indent'} . ($isCounter ? '0' : $nameoutput); $isCounter = 0; } return("$ATTRIBS{pre}" . ($isCounter ? '0' : $nameoutput) . "$ATTRIBS{post}", $newlineTrans); } else { return($ATTRIBS{'alt'},0); } } } else { return($ATTRIBS{'alt'},0); } } sub doLoops { my $data = shift; my $loopCnt = 0; my $pos = 0; my $buffer = ""; my $num = "-?(?:\\d+|\\d*\\.\\d+)"; my @els = split(/(]+>|<\/loop>)/m, $$data); my $max = 0; while (@els && $max++ < 10000) { my $el = $els[$pos]; my $isLoop = ($el =~ /^]+>/i); my $isEndLoop = ($el =~ /^<\/loop>/i); if ($isLoop && $#els > 1) { $loopCnt++; $pos++; } elsif ($isLoop) { splice(@els, $pos, 1); $pos--; } elsif ($isEndLoop) { if ($loopCnt > 0) { $loopCnt--; } if ($pos >= 1) { my $e1 = $els[$pos - 1]; my $p1 = $pos - 1; my $p2 = $pos - 2; my $e2 = $els[$p2]; my $start = undef; my $end = undef; my $step = 1; my $name = ""; my $field = ""; my $sql = ""; #get loop data from $els[$p2]; if ($e2 =~ /\sstart\s*=\s*(?:"($num)"|'($num)'|($num))/i) { $start = $+; } if ($e2 =~ /\send\s*=\s*(?:"($num)"|'($num)'|($num))/i) { $end = $+; } if ($e2 =~ /\sstep\s*=\s*(?:"($num)"|'($num)'|($num))/i) { $step = $+; } if ($e2 =~ /\sname\s*=\s*(?:"(\w+)"|'(\w+)'|(\w+))/i) { $name = $+; } if ($e2 =~ /\sfield\s*=\s*(?:"([\-\.\w]+)"|'([\-\.\w]+)'|([\-\.\w]+))/i) { if ($query->param($+)) { $field = $+; } } if ($e2 =~ /\ssqlrun\s*=\s*(?:"(\d+)"|'(\d+)'|(\d+))/i) { $sql = $+; } my @flist = (); if ($field) { @flist = $query->param($field); if ($step > 0) { $start = 0 unless ($start && $start > 0); $end = $#flist unless ($end && $end < $#flist); } else { $start = $#flist unless ($start && $start < $#flist); $end = 0 unless ($end && $end > 0); } } if ($sql) { if ($step > 0) { $start = 1; $end = $sqlCount{$sql}; } else { $start = $sqlCount{$sql}; $end = 1; } } # are we able to loop? my $tmpBuff = ""; if (defined($start) && defined($end) && (($step > 0 && $start <= $end) || ($step < 0 && $start >= $end))) { my $a = $start; my $b = $end; while (($step > 0 && $a <= $b) || ($step < 0 && $a >= $b)) { my $data = $e1; if ($name) { if (@flist) { $data =~ s/\@$name\@/$flist[$a]/sg; } else { $data =~ s/\@$name\@/$a/sg; } } $tmpBuff .= $data; $a += $step; } } my $o = ($pos > 2) ? 3 : 2; if ($o == 3) { $els[$pos - $o] .= $tmpBuff; } else { $els[$pos - $o] = $tmpBuff; } if ($pos + 1 <= $#els) { $els[$pos - $o] .= $els[$pos + 1]; splice(@els, $pos + 1, 1); } splice(@els, $pos - $o + 1, $o); } $pos = 0; $loopCnt = 0; } elsif ($loopCnt == 0) { # not in a loop, so this can be added to the content $buffer .= shift(@els); } elsif ($pos >= $#els) { # end of the line... if we're here, then there are # unclosed loops - join the array, and shove it on buffer. $buffer .= join("", @els); @els = (); $pos = 0; } elsif (!$isLoop && !$isEndLoop) { $pos++; } } $$data = $buffer; } END_OF_TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS my $pdfFunctions =<<'END_OF_PDF_FUNCTIONS'; sub makePdf { my $template = shift; my $pdfName = shift; $pdfName =~ s!(.*/)([^/]+)(\.[^/]*)$!$2\.pdf!; my $pdfDir = $1; ($debug) && print STDERR "pdfDir is $pdfDir\n"; my $fname = "$scratchPad/$pdfName"; if ($ps2pdf && $lout && -d $scratchPad) { opendir (PDFDIR, $pdfDir); my @epsFiles = grep { /^[^\.]/ && /\.eps$/i } readdir(PDFDIR); closedir (PDFDIR); for (@epsFiles) { ($debug) && print STDERR "copying $pdfDir$_\n"; copy("${pdfDir}$_", "${scratchPad}/$_"); } open (LIN, ">${scratchPad}/lout.in"); print LIN $$template; close (LIN); my $cmd1 = "$lout $loutOpts lout.in >lout.ps"; my $cmd2 = "$ps2pdf lout.ps ${fname}"; ($debug) && print STDERR "fname is $fname\n"; ($debug) && print STDERR "Running $cmd1\nand\n$cmd2\n"; chdir ($scratchPad); system("$cmd1"); system("$cmd2"); if ($fname) { return $fname; } } return ""; } sub clean4Lout { my $val = shift; $val =~ s/[\t ]+/ /gs; $val =~ s/([\"\\])/\"\\$1\"/gs; $val =~ s/([\#\&\/\@\^\{\|\}\~])/\"$1\"/gs; $val =~ s/(\r?\n){2,2}/\n\@LP\n/gs; # Win latin stuff... can we check for this in form # enctype? $val =~ s/\x82/ \@Char quotesinglbase /gs; $val =~ s/\x83/ \@Florin /gs; $val =~ s/\x84/ \@Char quotedblbase /gs; $val =~ s/\x85/ \@Char ellipsis /gs; $val =~ s/\x86/ \@Dagger /gs; $val =~ s/\x87/ \@DaggerDbl /gs; $val =~ s/\x88/ \@Char circumflex /gs; $val =~ s/\x8a/ \@Char S /gs; $val =~ s/\x8c/ \@Char OE /gs; $val =~ s/\x91/ \@Char quoteleft /gs; $val =~ s/\x92/ \@Char quoteright /gs; $val =~ s/\x93/ \@Char quotedbl /gs; $val =~ s/\x94/ \@Char quotedbl /gs; $val =~ s/\x95/ \@Sym bullet /gs; $val =~ s/\x96/ \@Char endash /gs; $val =~ s/\x97/ \@Char emdash /gs; $val =~ s/\x99/ \@Sym trademarkserif /gs; $val =~ s/\x9c/ \@Char oe /gs; $val =~ s/\x9e/ \@Char z /gs; $val =~ s/\x9f/ \@Char Y /gs; return $val; } END_OF_PDF_FUNCTIONS my $mailFunctions =<<'END_OF_MAIL_FUNCTIONS'; ############################################################################ # Subroutine: attachFilesToMail (fileset_name, message_ref, has_body_content) # This attaches files to a message body. ############################################################################ sub attachFilesToMail { my $type = shift; my $msg = shift; my $hasBody = shift; my ($key, $file); while (($key, $file) = each %{$CONFIG{$type}}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "examining attachment $key, $file\n"; next unless ($key =~ /(\d+)file/ && -f $file); my $attachNum = $1; $file =~ m!/([^/]+)$!; my $filename = $1; my $mime_type = $CONFIG{$type}->{"${attachNum}mime"}; ($debug) && print STDERR "Attaching a mime type of $mime_type for $filename ($key)\n"; unless ($mime_type) { $mime_type = (!$fhBug && -T $file) ? 'text/plain' : 'application/octet-stream'; } my @stats = stat($file); ($debug) && print STDERR "Attaching $file ($stats[7] bytes) " . "to email\n"; my $data = { Path => $file, ReadNow => 1, Filename => $filename }; unless ($mime_type =~ /^text\//) { $data->{'Encoding'} = "base64"; } if (!$hasBody) { $$msg->data("This is a MIME message with attachments"); } my $m = $$msg->attach(%$data); $m->attr("content-type" => $mime_type); } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: fakeEmail (address) # MIME::Lite doesn't like sending odd email From addresses, so make them # look a bit saner. ############################################################################ sub fakeEmail { ($debug) && (print STDERR "fakeEmail (@_) \@ " . time() . "\n"); $_ = shift(@_); if (!/\@.+/) { $_ .= "\@localhost"; } s/\@+/@/g; ($debug) && (print STDERR "fakeEmail returns $_\n"); return $_; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: mailResults () # Mail the results to the people in $mailto and also send back a mail to the # form's sender using the sendertemplate config field. ############################################################################ sub mailResults { ($debug) && (print STDERR "mailResults (@_) \@ " . time() . "\n"); my ($outstring, $messageBuffer, $value, $tmpfile, $mailbuffer) = ""; my ($mailto, $email, $tmp, $theirMail); my $t = time(); if ($CONFIG{'encodesubjects'} && $CONFIG{'charset'} !~ /^us-ascii$/i) { foreach ('subject', 'sendersubject') { my $s = substr(MIME::Lite::encode_base64($CONFIG{$_}), 0, -2); $CONFIG{$_} = "=?" . $CONFIG{'charset'} . "?B?" . $s . "?="; } } checkEmail($email) if ($email = $query->param('Email')); $mailto = $CONFIG{'mailto'}; $mailto = $email if (!$mailto && $CONFIG{'returntosender'} && $email); ### Handle a sendertemplate setting. if ($email && ($CONFIG{'sendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'htmlsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'}) && ($mailto || $CONFIG{'replyto'} || $CONFIG{'senderreplyto'} || $CONFIG{'senderfrom'} || $email)) { print STDERR "Should be sending a mail to the sender\n" if ($debug); my $theirTemplate = ""; my $theirHtmlTemplate = ""; my $theirPdfTemplate = ""; my $hasBody = 0; my $senderFrom = $CONFIG{'senderfrom'} ? $CONFIG{'senderfrom'} : ($CONFIG{'senderreplyto'} ? $CONFIG{'senderreplyto'} : ($mailto ? $mailto : ($CONFIG{'replyto'} ? $CONFIG{'replyto'} : $email))); my $senderMsg = MIME::Lite->build( 'From' => $senderFrom, 'To' => $email, 'Subject' => ($CONFIG{'sendersubject'} ? $CONFIG{'sendersubject'} : $CONFIG{'subject'}), 'Reply-To' => ($CONFIG{'senderreplyto'} ? $CONFIG{'senderreplyto'} : ($CONFIG{'replyto'} ? $CONFIG{'replyto'} : $mailto)), 'Bcc' => $CONFIG{'senderbcc'}, 'Encoding' => $CONFIG{'encoding'}, ); if ($CONFIG{'sendertemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'sendertemplate'}, \$theirTemplate); substOutput(\$theirTemplate, '0', 1); } if ($CONFIG{'htmlsendertemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'htmlsendertemplate'}, \$theirHtmlTemplate); substOutput(\$theirHtmlTemplate, '0', 1); } if ($CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Translating pdf sender template\n"; grabFile($CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'}, \$theirPdfTemplate); substOutput(\$theirPdfTemplate, '4', 1); my $pdfFile = makePdf(\$theirPdfTemplate, $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'}); if ($pdfFile) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Marking sender pdf as attachment\n"; $CONFIG{"attachments"}->{"${attachCount}file"} = $pdfFile; $CONFIG{"attachments"}->{ $attachCount++ . "mime" } = "application/pdf"; } } if ($CONFIG{'wrap'} && $theirTemplate) { wrapText($CONFIG{'wrap'}, \$theirTemplate); } if ($theirTemplate && $theirHtmlTemplate) { $hasBody = 1; ($debug) && print STDERR "Making alt sender email\n"; $senderMsg->attr("content-type" => 'multipart/alternative'); $senderMsg->attr("content-type.boundary" => 'eskjdlj239w09epaods' . $$); my $m1 = $senderMsg->attach( Data => "$theirTemplate", ); $m1->attr("content-type" => "text/plain; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); my $m2 = $senderMsg->attach( Data => "$theirHtmlTemplate", ); $m2->attr("content-type" => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $m2->attr("content-location" => ($CONFIG{'senderbase'} ? $CONFIG{'senderbase'} : $base)); } elsif ($theirHtmlTemplate) { $hasBody = 1; ($debug) && print STDERR "Making HTML sender email\n"; $senderMsg->attr('content-type' => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $senderMsg->attr('content-location' => ($CONFIG{'senderbase'} ? $CONFIG{'senderbase'} : $base)); $senderMsg->data($theirHtmlTemplate); } elsif ($theirTemplate) { $hasBody = 1; ($debug) && print STDERR "Making text sender email\n"; $senderMsg->attr("content-type" => "text/plain; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $senderMsg->data($theirTemplate); } if ($CONFIG{'attachments'}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Looking for sender attachments\n"; attachFilesToMail("attachments", \$senderMsg, $hasBody); } $senderMsg->replace('X-Mailer' => "Soupermail $relVersion"); $senderMsg->send(); } my $hasMailingList = ($CONFIG{'maillist'} || ($CONFIG{"listformfield"} && $query->param($CONFIG{"listformfield"})) || scalar(@listSql)) && ($CONFIG{'listtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'htmllisttemplate'}); return 1 unless ($mailto || $hasMailingList); if ($mailto) { my $origEnc = $CONFIG{'encoding'}; ### Since we're going through PGP ascii armoring, there's no need ### to use 7bit safe quoted-printable messages since the data will ### be mail transport safe. if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'}) { $CONFIG{'encoding'} = "8BIT"; } my $footerText .= "-------------------------------\n" . "Remote Host: $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n" . "Remote IP: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n" . "User Agent: $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\n" . "Referer: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\n"; my $mailMessage = ""; my $htmlMailMessage = ""; my $destAddr = { 'From' => ($email) ? fakeEmail($email) : $mailto, 'To' => ($CONFIG{'returntosender'} && $email && $email ne $mailto) ? "$mailto, $email" : $mailto, 'Reply-To' => $CONFIG{'replyto'} ? $CONFIG{'replyto'} : ($email ? $email : $mailto), 'Subject' => $CONFIG{'subject'}, 'Bcc' => $CONFIG{'bcc'}, 'Encoding' => $CONFIG{'encoding'}}; my $mailtoMsg = MIME::Lite->build(%$destAddr); my $copyMsg = MIME::Lite->build(%$destAddr); if ($CONFIG{'mailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'htmlmailtemplate'}) { if ($CONFIG{'mailtemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'mailtemplate'}, \$mailMessage); substOutput(\$mailMessage, '0', 1); $mailMessage .= "\n$footerText" unless ($CONFIG{'nomailfooter'}); ### If there's to be word wrapping... ($CONFIG{'wrap'}) && (wrapText($CONFIG{'wrap'}, \$mailMessage)); } if ($CONFIG{'htmlmailtemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'htmlmailtemplate'}, \$htmlMailMessage); substOutput(\$htmlMailMessage, '0', 1); } if ($mailMessage && $htmlMailMessage) { $mailtoMsg->attr("content-type" => 'multipart/alternative'); $mailtoMsg->attr("content-type.boundary" => 'skfdhj384jhqoihe' . $$); my $m1 = $mailtoMsg->attach( Data => $mailMessage, ); $m1->attr("content-type" => "text/plain; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); my $m2 = $mailtoMsg->attach( Data => $htmlMailMessage, ); $m2->attr("content-type" => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $m2->attr("content-location" => ($CONFIG{'mailbase'} ? $CONFIG{'mailbase'} : $base)); } elsif ($htmlMailMessage) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Making HTML mailto email\n"; $mailtoMsg->attr('content-type' => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $mailtoMsg->attr('content-location' => ($CONFIG{'mailbase'} ? $CONFIG{'mailbase'} : $base)); $mailtoMsg->data($htmlMailMessage); } else { ($debug) && print STDERR "Making text mailto email\n"; $mailtoMsg->attr("content-type" => "text/plain; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $mailtoMsg->data($mailMessage); } } else { my (@keylist) = ($CONFIG{'alphasort'} ? sort($query->param()) : $query->param()); my ($key); foreach $key (@keylist) { ### Because we may be dealing with multiple values, need to ### join with commas. $value = join(',', $query->param($key)); $messageBuffer .= "$key = $value\n"; } $messageBuffer .= "\n$footerText" unless ($CONFIG{'nomailfooter'}); ### If there's to be word wrapping... ($CONFIG{'wrap'}) && (wrapText($CONFIG{'wrap'}, \$messageBuffer)); ### Don't encode the message if its going to a non PGP/MIME ### destination. $mailtoMsg->attr("content-type" => "text/plain; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $mailtoMsg->data($messageBuffer); } ### At this point, message buffer contains the right message ### Store a marker to see if we're splitting attachments from PGP my $added = 0; my $headSet = 0; ### Its here that file upload should go - should restrict size ### Pseudo code is: ### foreach input item, look at its values ### see if the value has a filehandle ### if there's a filehandle, read it in to the specified size ### MIME it up ### print it with an appropriate mime type ### simple :) if ($CONFIG{'mimeon'}) { foreach ($query->param()) { my $val; foreach $val ($query->upload($_)) { next unless ($val && fileno($val) && ref($val)); if ($debug) { print STDERR "Upload $val\n"; while (my ($n, $v) = each %{$query->uploadInfo($val)}) { print STDERR " $n => $v\n"; } } my $isText = (!$fhBug && -T $val); my $mime_type = ""; if ($query->uploadInfo($val)) { $mime_type = $query->uploadInfo($val)->{'Content-Type'}; } unless ($mime_type) { $mime_type = ($isText) ? 'text/plain' : 'application/octet-stream'; } ($debug) && print STDERR "Upload mime $mime_type\n"; my $fname = $val; if ($query->user_agent() =~ /(PPC|Mac)\b/) { $fname =~ s/.*:([^:]*)/$1/; } else { $fname =~ s/\\/\//g; $fname =~ s/.*\/([^\/]*)/$1/; } ($debug) && print STDERR "Upload name $fname\n"; my $m; my $data = {Filename => $fname,FH => $val}; unless ($mime_type =~ /^text\//) { $data->{'Encoding'} = 'base64'; } if ($CONFIG{'pgpuploads'}) { $m = $mailtoMsg->attach(%$data); } else { $added++; if (!$headSet) { $copyMsg->attr('content-type' => 'multipart/mixed'); $copyMsg->attr('content-type.boundary' => 'sdfjeirkjf93akjl2' . $$); } $m = $copyMsg->attach(%$data); } $m->attr("content-type" => $mime_type); } } } if ($CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'}) { my $pdfTemplate = ""; grabFile($CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'}, \$pdfTemplate); substOutput(\$pdfTemplate, '4', 1); my $pdfName = $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'}; my $pdfFile = makePdf(\$pdfTemplate, $pdfName); $pdfName =~ s!.*/([^/]+)(\.[^/]*)$!$1\.pdf!; if ($pdfFile) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Putting $pdfName as an attachment\n"; my $m; if ($CONFIG{'pgppdfs'}) { $m = $mailtoMsg->attach( Path => $pdfFile, Filename => $pdfName ); } else { $added++; if (!$headSet) { $copyMsg->attr('content-type' => 'multipart/mixed'); $copyMsg->attr('content-type.boundary' => 'jlyiytjr3gktasdgqbsab' . $$); } $m = $copyMsg->attach(Path => $pdfFile, Filename => $pdfName); } $m->attr("content-type" => 'application/pdf'); } } if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'}) { my $encMsg = $mailtoMsg->body_as_string(); if ($encMsg =~ /^\-\-(_\-.*)$/m) { $encMsg = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$1\"\r\n\r\n$encMsg"; } pgpMessage(\$encMsg, $CONFIG{'pgpuserid'}); if ($CONFIG{'pgpmime'}) { if (! $added) { $copyMsg->attr('content-type' => 'multipart/encrypted'); $copyMsg->attr('content-type.protocol' => 'application/pgp-encrypted'); $copyMsg->attr('content-type.boundary' => 'of3ewjlkdsi3jd9asjd' . $$); my $m = $copyMsg->attach( Data => 'Version: 1' ); $m->attr("content-type" => 'application/pgp-encrypted'); my $p = $copyMsg->attach( Data => $encMsg ); $p->attr("content-type" => 'application/octet-stream'); } else { my $subMsg = MIME::Lite->build(); $subMsg->attr('content-type' => 'multipart/encrypted'); $subMsg->attr('content-type.protocol' => 'application/pgp-encrypted'); $subMsg->attr('content-type.boundary' => 'of3ekjhdsgfytdsbuJTWERKGAk' . $$); my $m = $subMsg->attach( Data => 'Version: 1' ); $m->attr("content-type" => 'application/pgp-encrypted'); my $p = $subMsg->attach( Data => $encMsg ); $p->attr("content-type" => 'application/octet-stream'); $copyMsg->attach($subMsg); } } else { if (! $added) { $copyMsg->data($encMsg); $copyMsg->attr("content-type" => 'text/plain'); } else { $copyMsg->attach(Type => 'TEXT', Data => $encMsg); } } $mailtoMsg = $copyMsg; } $debug && print STDERR "Sending mail to $mailto or $email\n"; $mailtoMsg->replace('X-Mailer' => "Soupermail $relVersion"); $mailtoMsg->send(); undef $messageBuffer; $CONFIG{'encoding'} = $origEnc; } if ($hasMailingList) { my $textTemplate = ""; my $htmlTemplate = ""; if ($CONFIG{'listtemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'listtemplate'}, \$textTemplate); } if ($CONFIG{'htmllisttemplate'}) { grabFile($CONFIG{'htmllisttemplate'}, \$htmlTemplate); } ($debug) && print STDERR "Got maillist templates\n"; my @listLines = (); my $maxItemCnt = 0; my $listReply = $CONFIG{'listreplyto'} ? $CONFIG{'listreplyto'} : ($email ? $email : $mailto); my $listFrom = $CONFIG{'listfrom'} ? $CONFIG{'listfrom'} : ($email ? $email : $mailto); ### Read in the mailing list data from the file datasource if ($CONFIG{'maillist'}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Opening data file $CONFIG{maillist}\n"; open(MAILLIST, "<$CONFIG{maillist}"); ($fileLocking) && flock(MAILLIST, LOCK_SH); while () { chomp; my @bits = split(/,/); push(@listLines, [ 1, @bits ]); } ($fileLocking) && flock(MAILLIST, LOCK_UN); close(MAILLIST); } ### Pull the mailing list data from the form field specified if ($CONFIG{'listformfield'} && $query->param($CONFIG{'listformfield'})) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Getting maillist data from form field $CONFIG{listformfield}\n"; my @lines = split(/\n/, $query->param($CONFIG{'listformfield'})); foreach (@lines) { chomp; my @bits = split(/,/); push (@listLines, [ 1, @bits ]); } } ### Pull some mailing list data from the SQL command if (scalar(@listSql)) { push(@listLines, @listSql); } eval('use Net::SMTP;'); my @smtpCon = (); my $hasSmtp = ($@ || !$mailhost ? 0 : 1); if ($hasSmtp) { ### Make sure we don't generate too many threads if ($smtpPoolSize > scalar(@listLines)) { $smtpPoolSize = scalar(@listLines); } ### Open up a set of connections for (0 .. $smtpPoolSize) { $smtpCon[$_] = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost); } } my $poolNum = -1; ### Now loop through the mailing list data foreach (@listLines) { $poolNum++; $poolNum = 0 if ($poolNum > $smtpPoolSize); my @rawList = @$_; my $itemCnt = 1; my $inQuote = 0; my $item = ""; my $subedTxt = ""; my $subedHtml = ""; my $subedMsg = ""; my $undefCnt = 0; my $doQuotes = shift(@rawList); while ($undefCnt++ < $maxItemCnt) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Unsetting $undefCnt\n"; $CONFIG{'maillistdata'}->{$undefCnt} = ""; } foreach $item (@rawList) { if ($doQuotes && $inQuote) { ($debug) && print STDERR "In quote with $item\n"; $item =~ s/""/"/g; if ((($item =~ tr/"//) % 2) && $item =~ s/"$//) { $inQuote = 0; } $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$itemCnt} = $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$itemCnt} . ",$item"; if (!$inQuote) { $itemCnt++; } } else { ($debug) && print STDERR "In no quote with $item\n"; if ($doQuotes && $item =~ s/^"//) { $inQuote = 1; $item =~ s/""/"/g; if ((($item =~ tr/"//) % 2) && $item =~ s/"$//) { $inQuote = 0; } } $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$itemCnt} = $item; if (!$inQuote) { $itemCnt++; } } if ($itemCnt > $maxItemCnt) { $maxItemCnt = $itemCnt; } } #### Should send mail at this point if ($textTemplate) { $subedTxt = $textTemplate; substOutput(\$subedTxt, '0', 1); } if ($htmlTemplate) { $subedHtml = $htmlTemplate; substOutput(\$subedHtml, '0', 1); } my $thisListSubject = $CONFIG{'listsubject'}; if ($thisListSubject =~ /^"[^"]*"\s*$/) { subReplace(\$thisListSubject); $thisListSubject = replacer($thisListSubject, 'listsubject'); } if ($CONFIG{'encodesubjects'} && $CONFIG{'charset'} !~ /^us-ascii$/i) { my $s = substr(MIME::Lite::encode_base64($thisListSubject), 0, -2); $thisListSubject = "=?" . $CONFIG{'charset'} . "?B?" . $s . "?="; } my $listMsg = MIME::Lite->build( 'From' => $listFrom, 'To' => $CONFIG{'maillistdata'}->{1}, 'Reply-To' => $listReply, 'Subject' => $thisListSubject, 'Encoding' => $CONFIG{'encoding'}, ); $listMsg->add('Precedence' => $CONFIG{listprecedence}); if ($subedTxt && $subedHtml) { $listMsg->attr("content-type" => 'multipart/alternative'); $listMsg->attr("content-type.boundary" => 'skf349sadjq2uadlkj' . $$); $listMsg->attach(Data => $subedTxt); my $m = $listMsg->attach(Data => $subedHtml); $m->attr("content-type" => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $m->attr("content-location" => ($CONFIG{'listbase'} ? $CONFIG{'listbase'} : $base)); } elsif ($subedHtml) { $listMsg->attr("content-type" => "text/html; charset=$CONFIG{charset}"); $listMsg->attr("content-location" => ($CONFIG{'listbase'} ? $CONFIG{'listbase'} : $base)); $listMsg->data($subedHtml); } else { $listMsg->data($subedTxt); } if ($CONFIG{'maillistdata'}->{1}) { if ($CONFIG{'listattachments'}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Looking for list attachments\n"; attachFilesToMail("listattachments", \$listMsg, 1); } $listMsg->replace('X-Mailer' => "Soupermail $relVersion"); if ($hasSmtp) { $smtpCon[$poolNum]->mail($listFrom); $smtpCon[$poolNum]->to($CONFIG{'maillistdata'}->{1}); $smtpCon[$poolNum]->data(); $smtpCon[$poolNum]->datasend($listMsg->as_string()); $smtpCon[$poolNum]->dataend(); $smtpCon[$poolNum]->reset(); } else { $listMsg->send(); } } } if ($hasSmtp) { for (0 .. $smtpPoolSize) { $smtpCon[$_]->quit; } } } return 1; } END_OF_MAIL_FUNCTIONS ############################################################################ # Subroutine: wrapText ( number_of_characters_to_wrap_to, # buffer_to_wrap ) # Takes a buffer, and wraps it to the number of characters specified. # Returns the wrapped buffer. ############################################################################ sub wrapText { ($debug) && (print STDERR "wrapText (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($wrap, $buffer) = @_; my ($start, $rest, $tmp, $something); ### Need to isolate words longer than the wrap size ... $$buffer =~ s/([^\s]{$wrap,})\s/\n$1\n/g; ### ... and then do real wrapping. while ($$buffer =~ /([^\n]{$wrap})/) { $start = $`; $rest = $'; $something = $1; $something =~ s/((.|\n)*)\s((.|\n)*)/$1\n$3/; $something =~ /((.|\n)*)(\n.*)/; $tmp .= $start . $1; $$buffer = $3 . $rest; } $$buffer = $tmp . $$buffer; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: dehtml ( [unescape], string ) # Change common HTML characters to special charaters optionally url # unescaping if neccessary. ############################################################################ sub dehtml { my $arg1 = shift; my $arg2 = shift; $_ = ($arg1) ? URLunescape($arg2) : $arg2; s/\&/\&/g; s/>/\>/g; s/ ${scratchPad}/randseed.bin") || pgpFail("can't open randseed.bin for creating"); my ($i); for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { print RAND pack("c", rand(255)); } close(RAND); showFile("${scratchPad}/randseed.bin"); ### Make a config file... PGP 5 complains if it doesn't get one. my $conf = ($CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} eq 'pgp2') ? 'config.txt' : 'pgp.cfg'; open (PGPCONF, "> ${scratchPad}/$conf") || pgpFail("can't open $conf for creating"); if ($OS eq "windows") { $scratchPad =~ s/\/+/\\/g; print PGPCONF "PubRing=${scratchPad}\\$keyring\n" if (-f "${scratchPad}/$keyring"); } else { print PGPCONF "PubRing=${scratchPad}/$keyring\n" if (-f "${scratchPad}/$keyring"); } if ($CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} ne 'pgp2') { print PGPCONF "NoBatchInvalidKeys=0\n"; print PGPCONF "HTTPKeyServerHost=$CONFIG{pgpserver}\n" if ($CONFIG{'pgpserver'}); print PGPCONF "HTTPKeyServerPort=$CONFIG{pgpserverport}\n" if ($CONFIG{'pgpserverport'}); } print PGPCONF "VERBOSE=0\n"; close(PGPCONF); } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: pgpMessage (messageRef, timeString) # Wrap a message up as a PGP encrypted message ############################################################################ sub pgpMessage { my $messageBuffer = shift; my $uid = shift; my $pgpBuffer = ""; ### want to PGP encode the buffer. pgpInit(); $| = 1; my $cmd = ""; my $outfile = "$scratchPad/eout.txt"; my $t = ($CONFIG{'pgptextmode'} ? " -t" : ""); if ($CONFIG{'gnupg'}) { $cmd = "$pgpencrypt --homedir $scratchPad --batch " . "--always-trust --quiet --no-secmem-warning $t " . "-ear '${uid}'"; if ($OS eq "windows") { $outfile =~ s/\/+/\\/g; $cmd .= " -o \"$outfile\""; $cmd =~ s/'/"/g; } else { $cmd .= " -o $outfile"; } $debug || close(STDERR); open (WINGPGIN, "| $cmd"); print WINGPGIN $$messageBuffer; close WINGPGIN; } else { if ($OS eq "windows") { $outfile =~ s/\/+/\\/g; $cmd = "\"$pgpencrypt\" $t -a -f -r $uid +batchmode -o $outfile"; } else { if ($CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} eq 'pgp2') { $cmd = "PGPPATH=$scratchPad $pgpencrypt $t -fea '${uid}' " . " -o $outfile"; } else { $cmd = "PGPPATH=$scratchPad $pgpencrypt $t -a -r '${uid}' " . "-f +batchmode=1 -o $outfile"; } } $ENV{'PGPPATH'} = $scratchPad; chdir($scratchPad); open (WINPGPIN, "| $cmd"); print WINPGPIN $$messageBuffer; close WINPGPIN; } open (WINOUT, "< $outfile"); while () { $pgpBuffer .= $_; } close (WINOUT); $debug && print STDERR ($CONFIG{'gnupg'} ? "GPG" : "PGP") . ": $cmd\n" . "Generated " . length($pgpBuffer) . " bytes\n"; $$messageBuffer = $pgpBuffer; } END_OF_PGP_FUNCTIONS ############################################################################ # There are a couple of deadlock points in soupermail, mainly due to PGP and # fileuploads. So, we'll actually fork of a child to do that dangerous stuff # and kill it if a certain timeout's reached. ############################################################################ if ($forkable && $OS eq "unix" && ($child = fork)) { $debug = 0; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { cleanScratch(); exit; }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 9, $child; cleanScratch(); exit; }; $SIG{PIPE} = sub { kill 9, $child; cleanScratch(); exit; }; $| = 1; sleep $uploadTimeout; kill 9, $child; fatal ("Soupermail has timed out"); exit; } else { ### Stop STDERR being output to the screen ### This is UNIX specific... should check the OS I guess... if ($debug) { open(STDERR, ">> $debug"); } else { open(STDERR, "> /dev/null"); } $| = 1; $CONFIG{'ref'} = translateFormat('REF:%rrrrrr%'); ### This is the dangerous child that could hang on the new CGI $query = new CGI; ### Remove leading and trailing spaces. nukeValues(); if ($debug) { print STDERR "\n\nrunning on perl $] for $^O\n\n"; print STDERR "\nsoupermail version $relVersion\n\n"; while (my($en, $ev) = each %ENV) { print STDERR "$en=$ev\n"; } print STDERR "Soupermail variables:\nserverRoot = $serverRoot\n" . "privateRoot = $privateRoot\n" . "tempDir = $tempDir\n" . "fhBug = $fhBug\n" . "hasDbi = $hasDbi\nmailhost = $mailhost\nmailprog = $mailprog\n" . "ps2pdf = $ps2pdf\nlout = $lout\n" . "\nData = " . $query->self_url() . "\n"; } # Set up the MIME::Lite mailer to use the right email method if ($mailhost) { ($debug) && (print STDERR "Setting mail to use $mailhost\n"); MIME::Lite->send("smtp", $mailhost, Debug=>($debug ? 1 : 0)); } elsif ($mailprog) { ($debug) && (print STDERR "Setting mail to use $mailprog\n"); MIME::Lite->send("sendmail", "$mailprog -t -oi -oem", Debug=>($debug ? 1 : 0)); } # And stop it warning if (!$debug) { MIME::Lite->quiet(1); } $base = ($query->referer() =~ m!^https!i) ? "https" : "http"; if ($query->referer() =~ m!^https?://([^/]+)!i) { $base .= "://$1"; } else { $base .= "://" . $query->server_name(); } ### Try and find out where the configuration file is. my $transPath = ""; $transPath = $query->path_translated() if ($query->path_translated()); if ($transPath =~ m!${serverRoot}(.*)/([^/]*)! && !$query->param('SoupermailConf')) { ### $pageRoot is where the actual script is being called from $pageRoot = $1; $configRoot = $serverRoot . $pageRoot; securityFilename($pageRoot); ### The configuration file $config = $transPath; $base .= $pageRoot; } else { ### See if the config file's been specified in the form itself if ($query->param('SoupermailConf')) { unless ($query->param('SoupermailConf') =~ m!^[\~/]!) { if ($query->referer() =~ m!^https?://[\w\.\-]+(:\d+)?(/.*)!i) { my $urlPath = $2; ### Remove any anchor or query stuff... won't work ### for path info though :( $urlPath =~ s/(^.*?)[\#\?]/$1/; $urlPath =~ m!(.*)/[^/]*!; $pageRoot = $1; $config = "$serverRoot$pageRoot/" . $query->param('SoupermailConf'); ### Have to possibly compress ../ type directories. while ($config =~ s![^/]+/\.\./!!) {} fatal ("Config file out of server root") unless ($config =~ /^$serverRoot/); $base .= $pageRoot; } else { fatal("Cannot determine conf location from referer"); } } elsif ($query->param('SoupermailConf') =~ m!^\~!) { ### The config file is in the private root $query->param('SoupermailConf') =~ m!(.*)/[^/]*!; $pageRoot = $1; $config = "$privateRoot/" . substr($query->param('SoupermailConf'),1); $privateConfig = 1; } else { ### The config file is an absolute path starting with /. $query->param('SoupermailConf') =~ m!(.*)/[^/]*!; $pageRoot = $1; $config = $serverRoot . $query->param('SoupermailConf'); $base .= $pageRoot; } securityFilename($config); fatal("Unable to find or read the config file - " . "read http://soupermail.sourceforge.net/faq.html#configprob") unless (-e $config && -f $config && -r $config); ### Need to reset pageRoot here because ../s in the relative ### path may have altered things. if ($config =~ m!^($serverRoot|$privateRoot)(.*)/[^/]+!) { $pageRoot = $2; $configRoot = $1 . $2; } } else { fatal("Unable to determine where the config file is."); } } $base .= "/"; ($debug) && print STDERR "Set configRoot to $configRoot\n"; my $configFile = ""; grabFile($config, \$configFile); $debug && print STDERR "Reading config $config\n"; for (split(/\n/, $configFile)) { my ($setValue); my ($toValue); next if (/^\s*\#/); next unless (/\S/); if (/^\s*([^:\s]*\S+)\s*:\s*(.*[\S])\s*$/) { $setValue = $1; $toValue = $2; unless ($setValue =~ /^(if|unless)/i) { fatal ("Too many quote marks in a configuration line:\n\n $_") if (($toValue =~ tr/"/"/) > 2); } ### now do some work to do replacement of mailto, replyto, ### subject, ref and cookie values if ($toValue =~ /^"[^"]*"\s*$/ && $setValue =~ /$replaceable/ix) { $toValue = replacer($toValue, $setValue); } setConfig($setValue, $toValue); } else { fatal("Unrecognised config line:\n\n '$_'\n"); } } $debug && print STDERR "Finished reading config $config\n"; $pgpencrypt = $pgpSet->{$CONFIG{'defaultencryption'}}; if ($CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} eq 'gpg') { $CONFIG{'gnupg'} = 1; } makeScratch(); if ($CONFIG{'templated'}) { eval($templateFunctions); $debug && print STDERR "Evaluated template functions\n"; } if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'} || $CONFIG{'filepgpuserid'}) { eval($pgpFunctions); $debug && print STDERR "Evaluated PGP functions\n"; } if ($CONFIG{'fileto'}) { eval($fileFunctions); $debug && print STDERR "Evaluated file functions\n"; } if ($CONFIG{'pdftemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'}) { eval($pdfFunctions); $debug && print STDERR "Evaluated pdf functions\n"; } if ($CONFIG{'mailto'} || $CONFIG{'returntosender'} || $CONFIG{'sendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'htmlsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'maillist'} || $CONFIG{'listformfield'}) { eval($mailFunctions); $debug && print STDERR "Evaluated mail functions $@\n"; } ### Do a test to see if the GPG key is OK if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'}) { if ($CONFIG{'gnupg'}) { fatal("GPG doesn't appear to be available at:\n\n $pgpencrypt") unless (-f $pgpencrypt && -x $pgpencrypt); fatal("Cannot find GPG keyring") unless (-f "$configRoot/pubring.gpg"); fatal("Cannot read GPG keyring") unless (-r "$configRoot/pubring.gpg"); } else { fatal("PGP doesn't appear to be available at:\n\n $pgpencrypt") unless (-f $pgpencrypt && -x $pgpencrypt); fatal("Can't find pubring.pkr in:\n\n ${pageRoot}") unless (-f "$configRoot/pubring.pkr" || $CONFIG{'pgpserver'}); fatal("Can't read pubring.pkr in:\n\n ${pageRoot}") unless (-r "$configRoot/pubring.pkr" || $CONFIG{'pgpserver'}); } } ### Check for expiry date if ($today > $CONFIG{'expirydate'}) { doCounters('expires'); $CONFIG{"ref"} = translateFormat($CONFIG{"ref"}); subReplace(); returnExpired(); cleanScratch(); exit; } ### Check for missing required fields if (formMissingRequired() || badTypes(\@typeChecks) || $CONFIG{'error'}) { $debug && print STDERR "Have failed a required, type or config_error check\n"; doCounters('failure'); $CONFIG{"ref"} = translateFormat($CONFIG{"ref"}); subReplace(); returnFailure(); cleanScratch(); exit; } ### Check for a blank form if (formIsBlank()) { doCounters('blank'); $CONFIG{"ref"} = translateFormat($CONFIG{"ref"}); subReplace(); returnBlank(); cleanScratch(); exit; } ### Looks ok, so return the final page doCounters('success'); $CONFIG{"ref"} = translateFormat($CONFIG{"ref"}); subReplace(); if ($CONFIG{'fileto'}) { genFileto(); } returnSuccess(); cleanScratch(); exit; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: URLescape ( string ) # Escape out characters in a string, and return the string. Pinched # straight out of CGI.pm, but since its not exported explicitly I figure # its best to copy it here. ############################################################################ sub URLescape { ($debug) && (print STDERR "URLescape (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $toencode = shift; return undef unless defined($toencode); $toencode=~s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg; return $toencode; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: subReplace ( [optional_ref_value] ) # Replace http_ref and counter values for config options. This needs # to happen after counters have been processed ############################################################################ sub subReplace { ($debug) && (print STDERR "subReplace () \@ " . time . "\n"); my $optVal = shift; my $setValue; if ($optVal) { $$optVal =~ s/\$counter_(\d+)/$CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"}/gs; $$optVal =~ s/\$http_ref/$CONFIG{'ref'}/gs; } else { foreach $setValue (keys %needToReplace) { my $val = $CONFIG{$setValue}; ($debug) && (print STDERR "val is $val\n"); $val =~ s/\$counter_(\d+)/$CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"}/gs; $val =~ s/\$http_ref/$CONFIG{'ref'}/gs; ($debug) && (print STDERR "processing $setValue to $val\n"); $CONFIG{$setValue} = $val; } } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: makeUrl ( url ) # For convenience sake, this will try and figure out if a given URL is # absolute or relative. If its relative, it'll try and fill in the # blanks to make it an absolute URL for the current server. # Returns the absolute URL. ############################################################################ sub makeUrl { ($debug) && (print STDERR "makeUrl (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; my ($server, $url); $server = $query->server_name() unless ($server = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}); if ($query->server_port() != 80 && ! $server =~ /:\d+$/) { $server .= ":" . $query->server_port(); } my $proto = "http" . ($ENV{'HTTPS'} =~ /on/i ? "s" : ""); SWITCH: { if (/^\//) { $url = "${proto}://${server}$_"; last SWITCH; } if (m!^https?://!i) { $url = $_; last SWITCH; } $url = "${pageRoot}/$_"; while ($url =~ s![^/]+/\.\./!!) {} $url = "${proto}://${server}$url"; } return($url); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: makePath ( path ) # Makes a path from the server root from the specified path. If the path is # absolute (ie. starts with a /, its assumed to be from the server root, # otherwise its assumed to be relative to the configuration file.) ############################################################################ sub makePath { ($debug) && (print STDERR "makePath (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $path = shift; my $oPath = $path; if ($path =~ /^\~/) { $path = "${privateRoot}/" . substr($path,1); fatal("Calling private information from a non-private config file") unless ($privateConfig); } elsif ($path =~ /^\//) { $path = $serverRoot . $path; } else { $path = "$configRoot/" . $path; } while ($path =~ s![^/]+/\.\./!!) {} $path =~ s!/+!/!g; securityFilename($path); ($path =~ /^$serverRoot\//) && (return $path); ($path =~ /^$privateRoot\//) && (return $path); fatal("The path $oPath requested is outside the server root"); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: setConfig ( configuration_line ) # This routine takes a configuration variable name and a value and attempts # to set the variable to the value. It does a fair bit of error and # security checking depending on the type of variable to set. ############################################################################ sub setConfig { ($debug) && (print STDERR "setConfig (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; my ($value) = shift; $_ = lc($_); CONFSWITCH : { ### Required form fields that must be filled in before success. ### Ignored fields can be used to hide hidden fields from the blank ### form checking routine. if (/^(required|ignore)$/) { securityName($value, 1); my ($list) = ($1 eq "required" ? \@required : \@ignored); push(@$list, $value); last CONFSWITCH; } ### Localised error string if (/^error$/) { $CONFIG{"error"} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Type checking fields if (/^is(not)?(number|integer|email|creditcard)$/) { push(@typeChecks, [$_, $value]); last CONFSWITCH; } ### This is a subject line for generated email... truncated at 199 ### characters to stop DoS attacks against crappy mail clients. if (/^(sender|list)?subject$/) { if (length($value) > 199) { $value = pack("a199", $value); } $CONFIG{$&} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### A format for the autogenerated reference field. ### See translateFormat() for more on how it works. if (/^ref/) { $CONFIG{'ref'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### For the base URLs for HTML email if (/^((list|sender|mail)base)$/) { $CONFIG{$1} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### The log on details for DBI support if (/^(sql(user|password))$/) { $CONFIG{$1} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### The database connection string if (/^sqlname$/) { unless ($value =~ /^dbi:[^:]+(:.*)?/i) { fatal("Malformed database name:\n\n $value"); } $CONFIG{'sqlname'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Variables to pass into database queries must be passed as ### bind values for safety. if (/^sqlbind(\d+)$/) { if ($1 > 0) { my $pos = $1 - 1; my $val = replacer($value, $_); if ($val eq "") { $val = undef; } if (defined $val) { $bindVals[$pos] = $val; } } last CONFSWITCH; } ### A database query is provided in DBI bind format for safety, as this ### does all the database escaping. We need DBI and the connection name ### of the database if (/^sqlrun(\d+)|listsql$/ && $hasDbi && $CONFIG{'sqlname'}) { if (formMissingRequired() || badTypes(\@typeChecks) || $CONFIG{'error'}) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Skipping SQL $value due to requires/types.\n"; @bindVals = (); last CONFSWITCH; } my $sqlNum = $1 || 'listsql'; ($debug) && print STDERR "Trying database " . $CONFIG{'sqlname'} . "\n"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($CONFIG{'sqlname'}, $CONFIG{'sqluser'}, $CONFIG{'sqlpassword'}) || last CONFSWITCH; ($debug) && print STDERR "Connected to database\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($value); if ($sth) { my $rv; eval('$rv = $sth->execute(@bindVals);'); if (!$@) { my @sqlVals = $sth->fetchrow_array; my $loop = 0; if ($sqlNum eq 'listsql') { push (@listSql, [ 0, @sqlVals ]); } else { while (scalar(@sqlVals)) { for (0 .. $#sqlVals) { $sqlVals{"sql_${sqlNum}_" . ($loop + 1) . "_" . ($_ + 1)} = $sqlVals[$_]; } $loop++; @sqlVals = $sth->fetchrow_array; } $sqlCount{$sqlNum} = $loop; } } else { ($debug) && print STDERR "Unable to execute with " . join(",", @bindVals) . $dbh->errstr . ", $@\n"; } } else { ($debug) && print STDERR "Unable to prepare statement '$value' " . $dbh->errstr; } $dbh->disconnect(); @bindVals = (); last CONFSWITCH; } ### A filename to save the form results into. It should be specified ### relative to where the configuration file was placed. if (/^fileto/) { $CONFIG{'fileto'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This is a filename for a counter. The numbers in the middle are ### used to specify which counter we're talking about. if (/^counter(\d+)file/) { my $countNum = $1; my $counterFile = makePath($value); $counterFile =~ m!^(.*)/[^/]*$!; fatal ("Can not write to counter file of:\n\n $value") if ((-e $counterFile && ! -w $counterFile) || (-e $counterFile && -l $counterFile) || (! -e $counterFile && ! -w $1)); my $counterValue = "0"; grabFile($counterFile, \$counterValue) if (-f $counterFile); $counterValue =~ /^(\d+)/; $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}value"} = $1; $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}file"} = $counterFile; if (!$CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}step"}) { $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}step"} = 1; } last CONFSWITCH; } ### Set the counter to an absolute value. if (/^setcounter(\d+)/) { my $countNum = $1; fatal("Counter values must be numeric for:\n\n $_") if ($value =~ /[^\d]/); $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}set"} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Set the counter step value. if (/^counter(\d+)step/) { my $countNum = $1; fatal("Counter step values must be numeric for:\n\n $_") if ($value =~ /[^\d]/); $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${countNum}step"} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Get the form field name that contains mailing list data if (/^listformfield$/) { securityName($value, 1); $CONFIG{"listformfield"} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Counters can change depending on the four different outcomes of ### a form's submission. if (/^counter(\d+)on(failure|success|expires|blank)$/) { my $countNum = $1; my $mode = $2; last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${countNum}on$mode"} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Attachments are sent with sendertemplate data and there can be ### any number of them. if (/^(list)?attachment(\d+)$/) { my $atype = ($1 ? "listattachments" : "attachments"); my $attachNum = $2; if ($value ne '""') { my $attachFile = makePath($value); unless (-f $attachFile && -r $attachFile) { fatal("Cannot read file attachment:\n\n $attachNum"); } ($debug) && print STDERR "Config attaching $attachFile\n"; $CONFIG{$atype}->{"${attachNum}file"} = $attachFile; $attachCount++; } else { delete $CONFIG{$atype}->{"${attachNum}file"}; delete $CONFIG{$atype}->{"${attachNum}mime"}; $attachCount--; } } ### Attachments need to have a mime type associated with them if (/^(list)?attachment(\d+)(mime)/) { my $atype = ($1 ? "listattachments" : "attachments"); my $attachNum = $2; my $attachType = $3; fatal("Unrecognised $atype MIME format:\n\n $value") unless ($attachType ne "mime" || $value =~ m!^${eToken}+/${eToken}+(\s*;\s*${eToken}+\s*(=\s*${eToken}+)?)*$!); $CONFIG{$atype}->{"${attachNum}$attachType"} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Templates returned to the browser can have their mime types ### set here. if (/^(success|blank|expires|failure)mime$/) { my $n = $&; fatal("Unrecognised return MIME format:\n\n $value") unless ($value =~ m!^${eToken}+/${eToken}+(\s*;\s*${eToken}+\s*(=\s*${eToken}+)?)*$!); $CONFIG{$n} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This specifies the maximum number of bytes a soupermail generated ### file can grow to. If a new addition will take the file over this ### size, the file is initially deleted. The backup name (if any) ### for the deleted file is specified with filebackupformat. if (/^filemaxbytes/) { fatal("filemaxbytes must be a number") if ($value =~ /[^\d]/); $CONFIG{'filemaxbytes'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This is the format for any backup of a soupermail generated file ### which is deleted due to the filemaxbytes setting. It takes the ### same formatting values as a reference number format. if (/^filebackupformat/) { $value = translateFormat($value); my $tmpFile = makePath($value); if (-e $tmpFile && !-w $tmpFile) { fatal("No permissions for writing to filebackupformat"); } if (-e $tmpFile && -l $tmpFile) { fatal("The filebackupformat file is a symlink"); } ### Check to see if we've got write access to the backup ### directory. unless (-e $tmpFile) { $tmpFile =~ m!(.*/)[^/]*!; fatal ("Cannot write into the backup directory") unless (-w $1); } $CONFIG{'filebackupformat'} = $tmpFile; last CONFSWITCH; } ### email address(es) to send the form's mail to. ### checkEmail() does a little security check to make sure emails ### look right. if (/^(sender|list)?replyto|mailto|(sender|list)from|(sender)?bcc/) { checkEmail($value); $CONFIG{$&} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Set up some template files. All these are assumed to be relative ### to the location of the configuration file. if (/^(headings|footings|success|failure|blank| (expires|file|pdf)template| (html|pdf)?mailtemplate|(html|pdf)?sendertemplate)| (html)?listtemplate$/x) { my $cf = $&; if (!$CONFIG{'templated'}) { $CONFIG{'templated'} = (/success|failure|blank|template/); } $CONFIG{$cf} = makePath($value); fatal("Cannot find the '$cf' template file") unless (-f $CONFIG{$cf} && -r $CONFIG{$cf}); last CONFSWITCH; } ### Get the mailing list - or at least make sure it exists if (/^maillist$/) { my $list = $&; $CONFIG{$list} = makePath($value); fatal("Cannot find the maillist file:\n\n $list") unless (-f $CONFIG{$list} && -r $CONFIG{$list}); last CONFSWITCH; } ### If the sender of the email wants to get a confirmation copy of ### soupermail generated email, setting this to 'yes' or 1 will do ### so by putting the sender in the CC email header. if (/^returntosender/) { last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{'returntosender'} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Without a template, sort form fields in the return email ### alphabetically. if (/^alphasort/) { last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{'alphasort'} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Subject lines in emails are sent 7bit, this means non-ascii ### characters get munged. Setting encodesubjects to yes means they ### get base64 encoded as per RFC 2047. if (/^encodesubjects$/) { last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{'encodesubjects'} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### To prevent mail loops, emails sent with the maillist functions ### will be given a precedence of list. if (/^listprecedence/) { last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(junk|list|bulk)$/i); $CONFIG{'listprecedence'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This field takes a date, and will cause the form to stop ### accepting submissions ON or AFTER that date. if (/^expires/) { fatal ("Invalid expiry format:\n\n $value") unless ($value =~ /^(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)-(\d\d(\d\d)?)$/); if ($1 > 31 || $2 > 12 || $1 < 1 || $2 < 1) { fatal ("Invalid Expiry date:\n\n $1 - $2 - $3"); } elsif ($3 > 2037) { ### Hey, this even looks for the dreaded 32bit running out ### of bits bug! fatal("Expiry date must be before the year 2038"); } $CONFIG{'expirydate'} = timelocal(0,0,0,$1,($2 - 1), $3); last CONFSWITCH; } ### This species how many characters to wrap emails to. if (/^wrap/) { $value =~ s/\D//g; $CONFIG{'wrap'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This is the username or KeyID of a user in the pubring.pkr ### PGP public keyring placed in the directory where the config file ### is. Using KeyIDs is better, as they are unique (I think). if (/^(file)?pgpuserid/) { fatal("Illegal characters in the PGP userid:\n\n $value") if ($value =~ /[^\w \<\>\@\.\-]/); $CONFIG{$_} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### PGP 5 can look for stuff off an internet PGP key server, this ### way, you should be able to use pgp userids that are on a remote ### server, rather than in your public keyring. if (/^pgpserver/) { unless ($value =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})| (([\w\-]+\.)*[\w\-]+)$/x) { fatal("The PGP keyserver name must be a hostname or an" . " IP address"); } $CONFIG{'pgpserver'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This defines the post the PGP key server's running on. if (/^pgpport/) { unless ($value =~ /^\d+$/) { fatal("The PGP keyserver port must be an integer"); } $CONFIG{'pgpserverport'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### These are the flags to say whether or not to use GNU Privacy ### Guard rather than PGP 5 an whether to use PGP/MIME packaging of ### the email. if (/gnupg|pgpmime|pgpuploads|pgppdfs|pgptextmode/) { my $confVal = $&; last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{$confVal} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### Allow a user selectable version of pgp/gpg if (/pgpversion/) { my $confVal = $&; last CONFSWITCH unless ($pgpSet->{$value}); $CONFIG{'defaultencryption'} = $value; ($debug) && print STDERR "Default encryption method set to $value\n"; last CONFSWITCH; } if (/7bit/) { my $confVal = $&; last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{'encoding'} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? "quoted-printable" : "8BIT"; last CONFSWITCH; } ### The defines the character set to set as the email character set if (/mailcharset/) { if ($value =~ /[^\w\-]/) { fatal("The mail character set must only contain letters, numbers " . "and hyphens"); } $CONFIG{'charset'} = $value; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This sets up an if conditional value. if (/^if|(unless)/) { my $conditionType = $1 ? 1 : 0; fatal("Conditional $value with wrong format") unless ($value =~ /.*\s+then\s+[^:\s]+\s*:\s*.*[\S]\s*/i); parseCondition($value, $conditionType); last CONFSWITCH; } ### Rather than using a templates, these goto... values goto a ### specific URL. if (/^(goto(success|failure|expires|blank))$/) { $CONFIG{$1} = makeUrl($value); last CONFSWITCH; } ### Set some boolean flags up. ### By default, soupermail pops a 4 line summary about the form that ### started it at the end of the email it sends out. nomailfooter ### stops that behaviour. ### By default, any files written by soupermail are made unreadable ### to the webserver. If you want, setting filereadable stops this ### behaviour. ### Setting nofilecr will remove newline characters from anything ### written into a soupermail generated file. ### Setting fileattop will place new entries into a soupermail ### generated file right at the top, or, if a headings has been ### specified, straight after the headings. ### Setting mimeon allows MIME form uploads. The generated emails ### will have MIME based attachments for anything uploaded. ### Setting cgiwrappers alters the chmod behaviour when hiding files if (/^nomailfooter|filereadable|nofilecr|fileattop|mimeon| cgiwrappers/x) { my $confVal = $&; last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{$confVal} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } ### This will set or generate a cookie. ### Defaults for a new cookie are: ### name - cookie1, cookie2 up to cookie9 ### value - "" ### path - path to the soupermail CGI ### domain - the current server's name ### expires - in 24 hours ### secure - sent over SSL and non-SSL connections if (/^${cookieStr}(name|value|path|domain|secure|expires)/) { my $item = $1 - 1; my $cset = $2; my $cname = "cookie$1"; my $cval = ""; my $csec = 0; my $cexpires = '+1d'; my $cdomain = ($query->virtual_host() ? $query->virtual_host() : $query->server_name()); my $cpath = $query->script_name(); if ($cset eq "name") { $cname = $value; if ($cname =~ /[^\w\-]/) { fatal("Cookie names can only contain letters and numbers"); } if (length($cname) > 50) { fatal("Cookie names must be less than 50 characters long."); } } elsif ($cset eq "value") { if (length($value) > 516) { $value = substr($value, 516); } $cval = $value; } elsif ($cset eq "path") { fatal("Invalid cookie path:\n\n $value") if ($value =~ /[^\w\.\/\%\-]/); $cpath = $value; } elsif ($cset eq "domain") { fatal("Invalid cookie domain:\n\n $value") unless ($value =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})| (([\w\-]+\.)*[\w\-]+)(:\d+)?$/x); $cdomain = $value; } elsif ($cset eq "secure") { $csec = $value = ($value =~ /yes|1/i) ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($cset eq "expires") { unless ($value =~ /^(\+\d+[smhdMy]| \-\d+[smhdMy]| [nN][oO][wW]| \d\d?-\d\d?-\d\d(\d\d)?| \d\d?-\d\d?-\d\d(\d\d)?\s+\d\d?:\d\d?(:\d\d?)?| \d\d?:\d\d?(:\d\d?)?)$/x) { fatal("Incorrect cookie expires format:\n\n $value"); } my (@hasDate) = (); my (@hasTime) = (); ### Now check the date format. if ($value =~ /\b(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)-(\d\d(\d\d)?)\b/) { if ($1 > 31 || $2 > 12 || $1 < 1 || $2 < 1) { fatal ("Invalid Expiry date:\n\n $1 - $2 - $3"); } elsif ($3 > 2037) { fatal("Cookie expiry date must be before the year 2038"); } $hasDate[0] = $1; $hasDate[1] = $2; $hasDate[2] = $3; } ### And check the time format. if ($value =~ /\b(\d\d?):(\d\d?)(:(\d\d?))?\b/) { if ($1 > 23 || $2 > 59 || ($4 && $4 > 59)) { fatal("Invalid cookie expiry time:\n\n ${1}:$2$3"); } $hasTime[0] = $1; $hasTime[1] = $2; $hasTime[2] = $4; } ### Now set up the time/date stuff. if (@hasDate || @hasTime) { if (@hasDate && @hasTime) { $value = localtime(timelocal($hasTime[2], $hasTime[1], $hasTime[0], $hasDate[0], $hasDate[1] - 1, $hasDate[2])); } elsif (@hasDate) { $value = localtime(timelocal(0, 0, 0, $hasDate[0], $hasDate[1] - 1, $hasDate[2])); } else { my @now = localtime(time); $value = localtime(timelocal($hasTime[2], $hasTime[1], $hasTime[0], $now[3], $now[4], $now[5])); } } $cexpires = $value; } if ($cookieList[$item]) { ### That cookie already exists, so we'll have to change ### stuff. $cookieList[$item]->{$cset} = $value; } else { ### Its a new cookie, hhhmmmmmm, coookies :) $cookieList[$item] = {'name'=>$cname, 'value'=>$cval, 'domain'=>$cdomain, 'path'=>$cpath, 'secure'=>$csec, 'expires'=>$cexpires}; } last CONFSWITCH; } ### This controls when cookies will be sent out. if (/^cookieon(failure|success|blank|expires)$/) { my $cfgval = $1 . "cookie"; last CONFSWITCH unless ($value =~ /^(yes|no|1|0)$/i); $CONFIG{$cfgval} = ($value =~ /^(yes|1)$/i) ? 1 : 0; last CONFSWITCH; } } ### End of CONFSWITCH } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: parseCondition ( condition, if_or_unless ) # This will go through a conditional configuration statement # It'll see if the condition is true, and if so set the specified # config value. ############################################################################ sub parseCondition { ($debug) && (print STDERR "parseCondition (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; my $cType = shift; my ($opens, $closes, $set, $cond, $toValue); my ($tmp) = ""; ($debug) && print STDERR "Got cond $_\n"; ### Initially break up the conditions. /^((?:[^\:]*(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*")[^\:]*)|[^\:]*[^\s:])\s+ then\s+([^:]*[^\s:])\s*:\s*(.*[\S])\s*/ix; $cond = $1; $set = $2; $toValue = $3; $debug && print STDERR "[$cond] [$set] [$toValue]\n"; ### Perform some validation checks on the statement. fatal ("Don't use nested conditionals in:\n\n $_") if ($set =~ /(if|unless)/i); $opens = tr/(/(/; $closes = tr/)/)/; fatal("Mismatched parentheses in:\n\n $cond") if ($opens != $closes); $tmp = $cond; $tmp =~ s/\&\&|\|\|//g; failSecurity("$cond contains unamtched |s and &s") if ($tmp =~ /&|\|/); fatal ("Too many quote marks in a configuration line:\n\n $_") if (($toValue =~ tr/"/"/) > 2); ### Some values can contain other config and form values, but ### NOT ALL. Why? Paranoid security and I really can't see a use ### for changing the others. if ($toValue =~ /^"[^"]*"\s*$/ && $set =~ /$replaceable/ix) { $toValue = replacer($toValue, $set); } $cond = evalCond($cond); if ($cType) { setConfig($set, $toValue) unless ($cond); } else { setConfig($set, $toValue) if ($cond); } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: evalCond ( condition ) # Return true or false based on whether the condition evaluates ############################################################################ sub evalCond { my $cond = shift; ### The not operator needs a bit of pre-tweaking for easy matching. $cond =~ s/!([^=])/! $1/g; ### Now break into smaller parts and security check. my @conBits = split (/\(\s*|\)\s*|\&\&\s*|\|\|\s*|\!\s+/, $cond); my $ops = "\\s+has(?:nt)?\\s+|\\s*[=!]=\\s*|\\s+eq\\s+|" . "\\s+ne\\s+|\\s*[<>]=?\\s*|\\s+[gl]t\\s+|" . "\\s+[gl]e\\s+|\\s+contains\\s+|\\s+(?:longer|shorter)than\\s+"; ### Each part should be of the form: ### field op token OR field ### where field is a field name from the form, op is a boolean ### operator and token is some alphanumeric. while (scalar(@conBits)) { ### Have to put the scalar in to cope with null list values. my $part = shift(@conBits); next unless ($part =~ /\S/); my ($field, $op, $val, $result); $_ = $part; $debug && print STDERR "Looking at condition $_ \n"; if (/^("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[\S]+)($ops) ("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[\S]+)\s*$/x) { ### Dealing with a boolean expression. $result = '0'; $field = $1; $op = lc($2); $val = $3; $op =~ s/\s//g; $field =~ s/^"([^"]+)"/$1/ unless ($field =~ s/^'([^']+)'/$1/); $val =~ s/^"([^"]+)"/$1/ unless ($val =~ s/^'([^']+)'/$1/); securityName($field) unless ($field =~ /^\$((http|cookie)_[\w\-]+| (maillist|counter)_\d+|sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)/xi);; $debug && print STDERR "field = $field; op = $op; val = $val \n"; ### Now see if field is something out of the form. if ($op =~ /^has/) { $debug && print STDERR "parsing has condition $op \n"; if ($field =~ /^\$cookie_([\w\-]+)/) { $result = '1' if ($query->cookie($1) eq $val); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/i) { $result = '1' if (getHttpValue($1) eq $val); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$counter_(\d+)/i) { $result = '1' if ($CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"} eq $val); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { $result = 1 if ($CONFIG{"maillistdata"} && $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1} eq $val); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/i) { $result = '1' if ($sqlVals{$1} eq $val); } else { foreach ($query->param($field)) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Checking $_ against $val\n"; $result = '1',last if ($_ eq $val); } } $result = !$result if ($op =~ /nt/); } elsif ($op =~ /^(longer|shorter)than/) { $debug && print STDERR "parsing longer/shorter condition $op \n"; my $subOp = $1; my $str = undef; if ($field =~ /^\$cookie_([\w\-]+)/) { $str = $query->cookie($1) || ""; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/i) { $str = getHttpValue($1) || ""; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$counter_(\d+)/i) { $str = $CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"} || ""; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { $str = $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1} || ""; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/i) { $str = $sqlVals{$1} || ""; } if (defined($str)) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Checking $str against $val\n"; if ($subOp eq 'longer') { $result = '1' if (length($str) > $val); } else { $result = '1' if (length($str) < $val); } } else { foreach ($query->param($field)) { ($debug) && print STDERR "Checking $_ against $val\n"; if ($subOp eq 'longer') { $result = '1' if (length() > $val); } else { $result = '1' if (length() < $val); } } } } elsif ($op =~ /^contains/) { ### Escape out potential regexp characters $val = "\Q$val\E"; if ($field =~ /^\$cookie_([\w\-]+)/i) { $field = $query->cookie($1); $result = ($field =~ /$val/i); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/i) { $field = getHttpValue($1); $result = ($field =~ /$val/i); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$counter_(\d+)/i) { $result = ($CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"} =~ /$val/i); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { $result = 1 if ($CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1} =~ /$val/i); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/i) { $result = '1' if ($sqlVals{$1} =~ /$val/); } else { foreach ($query->param($field)) { $result = '1',last if (/$val/i); } } } else { if ($field =~ /^\$cookie_([\w\-]+)/i) { $field = $query->cookie($1); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/i) { $field = getHttpValue($1); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$counter_(\d+)/i) { $field = $CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"}; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/i) { $result = '1' if ($sqlVals{$1} eq $val); } elsif ($field =~ /^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { $result = '1' if ($CONFIG{"maillistdata"} && $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1} eq $val); } else { $field = $query->param($field); } ### Single quote strings to stop them being 'eval'ed $field = "\"\Q${field}\E\"" unless ($field =~ /^\d+$/); $val = "\"\Q$val\E\"" unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/); ($debug) && print STDERR "Evaling $field $op $val\n"; $result = eval "$field $op $val"; } } elsif (/^\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|\S+)\s*$/) { ### Does the field exist? $field = $1; $field =~ s/^"([^"]+)"/$1/ unless ($field =~ s/^'([^']+)'/$1/); if ($field =~ /^\$cookie_([\w\-]+)/i) { $result = defined $query->cookie($1) ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/) { $result = (getHttpValue($1) != "") ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$counter_(\d+)/i) { $result = ($CONFIG{'counter'}->{"${1}value"}) ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { $result = ($CONFIG{"maillistdata"} && $CONFIG{"maillistdata"}->{$1}) ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($field =~ /^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/i) { $result = ($sqlVals{$1} || $sqlVals{$1} eq '0') ? 1 : 0; } else { securityName($field); $result = (defined $query->param($field)) ? 1 : 0; } } else { fatal("Bad conditional:\n\n $_"); } $result = '0' if ($result != 1); $cond =~ s/\Q$part\E/$result /; } ($debug) && print STDERR "Should eval condition $cond\n"; eval {$cond = eval "$cond"}; return $cond; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: replacer ( string_containing_things_to_replace ) # The aim here is to do robust replacement of values from the user's form # (anything that starts with '$form_') most of the http_ variables that # can be used in output tags (things starting '$http_'), cookie values # (anything starting with '$cookie_') and some # special ones like $subject, $sendersubject, $replyto, $mailto... # All the replacement values must appear in a double quoted string. ############################################################################ sub replacer { ($debug) && (print STDERR "replacer (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $toValue = shift; my $setValue = shift; $toValue =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*$/$1/; my $escaped = ($setValue =~ /^goto/i ? 1 : 0); my $tmpString = ""; my @chunks = split(/((?:(?:\$form|\$http|\$cookie)_[\w\-]+)| (?:(?:\$\{form|\$\{http|\$\{cookie)_[\w\-]+?\})| \$sql_\d+_\d+_\d+|\${sql_\d+_\d+_\d+}| \$mailto|\$\{mailto\}| \$goto(?:success|failure|blank|expires)| \$\{goto(?:success|failure|blank|expires)\}| \$(?:sender)?subject|\${(?:sender)?subject\}| \$(?:sender)?replyto|\$\{(?:sender)?replyto\}| \$counter_\d+|\$\{counter_\d+\}| \$maillist_\d+|\$\{maillist_\d+\})/ix, $toValue); ### Now look through what we've got. for (@chunks) { s/^\$\{(.*)\}$/\$$1/; ($debug) && print STDERR "replacer looking at chunk $_\n"; if (/^\$(((form|http|cookie)_[\w\-]+)|sql_\d+_\d+_\d+| mailto|(sender)?subject|(sender)?replyto| counter_\d+|maillist_\d+)/ix) { my $replaceStr = ""; my $isCounter = 0; if (/^\$form_([\w-]+)/i) { ### This is a value from the submitted form. $replaceStr = $query->param($1); } elsif (/^\$counter_\d+/i) { ### This is a counter $needToReplace{lc($setValue)} = 1; $replaceStr = $_; $isCounter = 1; } elsif (/^\$(http_referer)/i) { ### This is one of the http variables. $replaceStr = getHttpValue($1); } elsif (/^\$(http_ref)/i) { ### This is a reference number, which we may work out with counters $needToReplace{lc($setValue)} = 1; $replaceStr = $_; } elsif (/^\$(http_[\w\-]+)/i) { ### This is one of the http variables. $replaceStr = getHttpValue($1); } elsif (/^\$cookie_([\w-]+)/i) { ### This is a cookie value. $replaceStr = $query->cookie($1); } elsif (/^\$(sql_\d+_\d+_\d+)$/) { ### This is a sql statement return $replaceStr = $sqlVals{$1}; } elsif (/^\$maillist_(\d+)$/) { ### This is maillist info $replaceStr = $CONFIG{'maillistdata'}->{$1}; } else { /^\$(.*)/; $replaceStr = $CONFIG{lc($1)}; if ($1 =~ /^goto/i) { $escaped = 0; } } $replaceStr =~ s/\s/ /g; if ($escaped && !$isCounter) { $replaceStr = URLescape($replaceStr); } $tmpString .= $replaceStr; } else { $tmpString .= $_; } } ($debug) && print STDERR "Replacer returns [$tmpString]\n"; return $tmpString; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: getHttpValue ( string_to_match ) # Given a string starting with 'http_', this will return an appropriate # value from the CGI environment, or an emprty string if it doesn't # recognise what was passed in. ############################################################################ sub getHttpValue { ($debug) && (print STDERR "getHttpValue (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; if (/^http_(remote_user|remote_addr|remote_ident|remote_host| server_name|server_port)$/xi) { return($ENV{"\U$1\E"}); } if (/^(http_(user_agent|referer|from|host))$/i) { return($ENV{"\U$1\E"}); } if (/^http_time/) { return(translateFormat("%hhhh%:%mm%:%ss%")); } if (/^http_date/) { return(translateFormat("%ddd% %mmmm% %dd% %yyyy%")); } if (/^http_ref/) { return($CONFIG{'ref'}); } if (/^http_config_path/) { return("$pageRoot/"); } if (/^http_config_error/) { return($CONFIG{'error'}); } return ""; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: checkEmail ( email_address ) # Found a flaw in the email handling, so check that email addresses are # correct... or at least contain reasonable characters # The flaw would fail because the email had mismatched < brackets ############################################################################ sub checkEmail { ($debug) && (print STDERR "checkEmail (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; my ($opens, $closes); $opens = tr//>/; fatal("Malformed Email in:\n\n $_") if ($opens != $closes || $opens > 1 || $opens == 1 && !/^<.*>$/); s/\s\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff ]/); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: fatal (msg) # Takes a string message and makes a HTML failure page. ############################################################################ sub fatal { ($debug) && (print STDERR "fatal (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($msg) = @_; $msg = dehtml(undef, $msg); print "Content-type: text/html$CRLF$CRLF"; print <<" EOT"; Fatal Error


    The soupermail CGI died due to the following error:


    Check your soupermail configuration or contact: $soupermailAdmin informing them of the error, and how and where it occured.

    Soupermail Release Version $relVersion

    EOT cleanScratch(); exit; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: securityFilename ( path_to_check ) # Exit the script if a filename contains ..'s or other potentially nasty # characters. ############################################################################ sub securityFilename { ($debug) && (print STDERR "securityFilename (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($filename) = shift; if ($filename =~ /\.\.|\~|[^\w\.\-\/:]/) { failSecurity("Filename $filename contains a .. " . " or other illegal characters"); cleanScratch(); exit; } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: securityName ( form_name_to_check ) # Exit the script if a given string contains shell meta characters ############################################################################ sub securityName { ($debug) && (print STDERR "securityName (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); $_ = shift; my ($isrequired) = shift; my ($opens, $closes); my ($name) = $_; if ($isrequired) { ### Required names can have brackets, &&s and ||s in, so strip ### them from the name before checking and ensure they all match ### up. $opens = tr/(//d; $closes = tr/)//d; fatal("Mismatched parentheses in:\n\n $name") if ($opens != $closes); ### Make sure people are only putting proper numbers of ### ampersands in! s/&&|\|\|//g; #### And remove operators s/!=|==|<=|>=|<|>|!//g; } if (s!([^"'\w\s\.\-])!$1!g) { failSecurity ("$_ contains an insecure string such as a " . "shell meta character. Please use another string " . "containing only alphanumerics\n"); cleanScratch(); exit; } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: failSecurity ( failure_message ) # Something has failed a security check, so bomb out with a failure message ############################################################################ sub failSecurity { ($debug) && (print STDERR "failSecurity (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($msg) = shift; print $query->header(); print " Form Response \n"; print "


    \n"; print "The form failed a security check.\n"; if ($msg) { print "

    Failure Message:

    \n$msg\n"; } print " \n"; cleanScratch(); exit; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: nukeValues () # This goes through all the form values, removing blank values and stripping # leading and trailing space characters. Care is taken not to munge up # files that have been submitted using file upload. ############################################################################ sub nukeValues { ($debug) && (print STDERR "nukeValues (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); no strict 'refs'; my (@vals, @newvals, $val); foreach $val ($query->param()) { undef @newvals; @vals = $query->param($val); foreach (@vals) { ### Skip stripping for file upload fields. if (fileno($_)) { push(@newvals, $_); next; } s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g; ### Read phrack 55 to see why the line below exists. ta rfp. s/\0//g; push (@newvals, $_) if /\S/; } $query->delete($val) unless (@newvals); $query->param($val, @newvals); } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: formIsBlank () # Return TRUE if the form is blank (i.e. has no non-ignored fields filled # in) ############################################################################ sub formIsBlank { ($debug) && (print STDERR "formIsBlank (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my (%names, $name, @vals); foreach ($query->param()) { @vals = $query->param($_); $names{$_} = ($#vals < 0) ? 0 : 1; } foreach $name (@ignored) { delete $names{$name}; } return(!keys(%names)); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: formMissingRequired () # Check that all the required bits have been filled in in the form. # This bit is liable to change to add more complex behaviour # Returns TRUE if the form has any missing bits ############################################################################ sub formMissingRequired { ($debug) && (print STDERR "formMissingRequired (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($name, $requiredLine, @requirednames, $replacement, $missing, $oldname); my (@vals); foreach $requiredLine (@required) { $missing = ! evalCond($requiredLine); last if ($missing); } return($missing); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: badTypes ( type_list ) # Check that the given datatypes for various fields are correct. Expects # an array of type, value pairs to be passed in. Returns true if there # are incorrect types. ############################################################################ sub badTypes { my $toCheck = shift; foreach (@$toCheck) { my ($type, $name) = @$_; my $v; foreach $v ($query->param($name)) { if (checkType($type, $v)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } sub checkType { my $type = shift; my $v = shift; my $r = 1; $type =~ s/^is//; if ($type =~ s/^not//) { $r = 0; } return 0 unless (defined $v); if ($type eq 'number') { if ($v !~ /^-?\d*(\.\d*)?$/) { return $r; } } elsif ($type eq 'integer') { if ($v !~ /^-?\d*(\.0*)?$/) { return $r; } } elsif ($type eq 'email') { if ($v !~ /^[\w\-\.\+\/\\\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff ]+ \@[A-Za-z\d][\-\w]*[A-Za-z\d] (\.[\dA-Za-z][\-\w]*[A-Za-z\d])+$/x) { return $r; } } elsif ($type eq 'creditcard') { $v =~ s/\D//g; if (length($v) < 13) { return $r; } my ($sum, $i) = 0; foreach (reverse split(//, $v)) { my $s = $_ * (1 + $i++ % 2); $sum += $s - ($s > 9 ? 9 : 0); } if ($sum % 10) { return $r; } } return !$r; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: returnHtml ( redirection_URL, # template_pathname, # return_message, # boolean_replace_output_tags_flag, # boolean_send_out_cookies_flag, # boolean_is_pdf, # mime_type) # General routine to output HTML back to the browser. ############################################################################ sub returnHtml { ($debug) && (print STDERR "returnHtml (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($redirect, $template, $msg, $do_substitute, $do_cookie, $isPdf, $mime) = @_; my ($outstring); my @cookiesToGo = (); my $newCookie; ### This goes throught the cookie settings generating CGI.pm cookie ### objects. if ($do_cookie && @cookieList) { my $i = 0; while ($i < 3) { if ($cookieList[$i]) { my %cookieVals = %{$cookieList[$i]}; $i++,next unless ($cookieVals{"value"}); $newCookie = $query->cookie(-name=>$cookieVals{"name"}, -expires=>$cookieVals{"expires"}, -value=>$cookieVals{"value"}, -domain=>$cookieVals{"domain"}, -path=>$cookieVals{"path"}, -secure=>$cookieVals{"secure"}); push(@cookiesToGo, $newCookie); } $i++; } } ### Handle redirects or send the output from a template or default ### message. if ($redirect) { if (@cookiesToGo) { print $query->redirect(-URL=>$redirect, -cookie=>\@cookiesToGo); } else { print $query->redirect($redirect); } } else { if ($template) { my $attName = $template; ($debug) && print STDERR "Returning template $attName\n"; $attName =~ s!.*/([^/]+)$!$1!; my $header = {}; grabFile($template, \$outstring); if ($isPdf) { ($do_substitute) && (substOutput(\$outstring, '4', 1)); $attName =~ s/\..*$/\.pdf/; $attName .= ".pdf" unless ($attName =~ /\.pdf$/); ($debug) && print STDERR "Attachment name $attName\n"; $header->{'-Content_Disposition'} = "file;filename=${attName}"; } else { ($do_substitute) && (substOutput(\$outstring, '1')); if ($mime ne "text/html") { $header->{'-Content_Disposition'} = "inline;filename=${attName}"; } } if (@cookiesToGo) { $header->{'-cookie'} = \@cookiesToGo; } $header->{'-type'} = "${mime};name=${attName}"; print $query->header(%$header); if ($isPdf) { my $pdfFile = makePdf(\$outstring, $CONFIG{'pdftemplate'}); ($debug) && (print STDERR "sending out pdf $pdfFile\n"); my $pdfOutput = ""; grabFile($pdfFile, \$pdfOutput); ($debug) && (print STDERR "pdf output size = " . length($pdfOutput) . " bytes\n"); print $pdfOutput; } else { print $outstring; } } else { if (@cookiesToGo) { print $query->header(-type=>'text/html', -cookie=>\@cookiesToGo); } else { print $query->header(); } print " Form Response \n"; print " $msg\n"; print " \n"; } } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: grabFile (filename, stringRef) # Reads a file (usually a template) and places its contents in the thing # specified by stringRef ############################################################################ sub grabFile { ($debug) && (print STDERR "grabFile (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($file, $buffer) = @_; my $fPath = $file; ### Be paranoid, let admins block read access to directories or ### block access on a global scale. $fPath =~ s/\\+/\//g; $fPath =~ s/(.*\/).*/$1/; if (-f "${fPath}$denyFile") { ($debug) && print STDERR "SECURITY : ${fPath}$denyFile exists\n"; failSecurity("Blocked from reading files in the given directory"); } if ($paranoid && ! -f "${fPath}$allowFile") { ($debug) && print STDERR "SECURITY : ${fPath}$allowFile doesn't exist\n"; failSecurity("Not explicitly allowed to read files in the given directory"); } my @stats = stat($file); open (FILE, "<$file") || fatal("Failed to open:\n\n '${file}'"); ($fileLocking) && flock(FILE, LOCK_SH); binmode(FILE); read(FILE, $$buffer, $stats[7]); ($fileLocking) && flock(FILE, LOCK_UN); close(FILE); ($debug) && (print STDERR "file grabbed is $stats[7] bytes\n"); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: returnBlank () # If the form was blank, produce a www page saying so ############################################################################ sub returnBlank { ($debug) && (print STDERR "returnBlank (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($msg) = "


    \n"; $msg .= "You did not enter any form fields so the form was not submitted"; returnHtml($CONFIG{'gotoblank'}, $CONFIG{'blank'}, $msg, 1, $CONFIG{'blankcookie'},0,$CONFIG{'blankmime'}); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: returnExpired # The form is out of date, so return a page saying so. ############################################################################ sub returnExpired { ($debug) && (print STDERR "returnExpired (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $msg = "


    The Form is now out of date. Your " . "information was not submitted.\n"; my $goto = $CONFIG{'gotoexpires'} ? $CONFIG{'gotoexpires'} : '0'; my $template = $CONFIG{'expirestemplate'} ? $CONFIG{'expirestemplate'} : '0'; returnHtml($goto, $template, $msg, 1, $CONFIG{'expirescookie'}, 0, $CONFIG{'expiresmime'}); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: returnFailure () # Return a failure page indicating that some required fields are missing ############################################################################ sub returnFailure { ($debug) && (print STDERR "returnFailure (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $msg = "


    \n" . "You did not complete all the required sections of the\n" . "form.
    Use your browser's BACK button to return to the\n". "form and complete the missing fields.\n"; my $goto = $CONFIG{'gotofailure'} ? $CONFIG{'gotofailure'} : '0'; my $template = $CONFIG{'failure'} ? $CONFIG{'failure'} : '0'; returnHtml($goto, $template, $msg, 1, $CONFIG{'failurecookie'}, 0, $CONFIG{'failuremime'}); } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: returnSuccess () # The form has been successfully completed, so return a www page saying so ############################################################################ sub returnSuccess { ($debug) && (print STDERR "returnSuccess (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $msg = "

    Thank You

    Your information has been submitted\n"; my $goto = $CONFIG{'gotosuccess'} ? $CONFIG{'gotosuccess'} : '0'; my $template = $CONFIG{'success'} ? $CONFIG{'success'} : '0'; if (!$template && $CONFIG{'pdftemplate'}) { returnHtml($goto, $CONFIG{'pdftemplate'}, $msg, 1, $CONFIG{'successcookie'}, 1, 'application/pdf'); } else { returnHtml($goto, $template, $msg, 1, $CONFIG{'successcookie'}, 0, $CONFIG{'successmime'}); } ### Hmm, for user percieved speed, does closing STDOUT now help? close(STDOUT); if ($CONFIG{'fileto'}) { saveResults(); } if ($CONFIG{'mailto'} || $CONFIG{'returntosender'} || $CONFIG{'sendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'htmlsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'maillist'} || $CONFIG{'listformfield'}) { $debug && print STDERR "About to mailResults\n"; mailResults(); } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: translateFormat () # Take a format string and return the expanded output. ############################################################################ sub translateFormat { ($debug) && (print STDERR "translateFormat (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my ($format) = shift; my ($offset) = shift; my ($mm, $mmm, $mmmm, $yy, $yyyy, $hh, $hhhh, $ss, $dd, $ddd, $ampm); my ($maxfactor) = 12; ### :-) my ($randomno); my $eTime = time; my ($currtime) = scalar (localtime($eTime)); ### Here, see if we need to rebuild based on an offset if ($offset && $offset =~ /^\s*([\+\-]?)\s*(\d+)\s*([smhd])\s*$/) { my $plusMinus = $1 ? $1 : "+"; my $offBy = $2; my $unit = $3; ($debug) && (print STDERR "got timeoffset of $1, $2, $3\n"); if ($unit eq "m") { $offBy *= 60; } if ($unit eq "h") { $offBy *= 3600; } if ($unit eq "d") { $offBy *= 86400; } $currtime = scalar(localtime(eval("time $plusMinus $offBy"))); } $currtime =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\d+)/; $ddd = $1; $mmmm = $2; $dd = $3; $hhhh = $4; $mm = $5; $ss = $6; $yyyy = $7; if ($offset && $offset =~ /^\s*([\+\-]?)\s*(\d+)\s*([My])\s*$/) { $mmm = $MONTHS{$mmmm}; my $plusMinus = $1 ? $1 : "+"; my $offBy = $2; my $unit = $3; ($debug) && (print STDERR "got timeoffset of $1, $2, $3\n"); if ($unit eq "M") { my $diff = eval("\$mmm $plusMinus \$offBy"); if ($diff > 12 || $diff < 1) { ($debug) && (print STDERR "evaling $yyyy $plusMinus floor(($diff - 1) / 12)\n"); $yyyy = eval("\$yyyy + floor((\$diff - 1) /12)"); } ($debug) && (print STDERR "year is now $yyyy\n"); $mmm = eval("\$mmm $plusMinus \$offBy"); if ($mmm != 12) { $mmm = $mmm % 12; } $mmm = 12 unless ($mmm); } else { ($debug) && (print STDERR "evaling $yyyy $plusMinus $offBy\n"); $yyyy = eval("\$yyyy $plusMinus \$offBy"); } my $eTime = timelocal(1, 1, 1, $dd, $mmm - 1, $yyyy); $currtime = scalar (localtime($eTime)); $currtime =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+(\d+)/; $ddd = $1; $mmmm = $2; $dd = $3; $yyyy = $4; } $mmm = $MONTHS{$mmmm}; $hh = ($hhhh > 12) ? ($hhhh - 12) : $hhhh; $ampm = ($hhhh > 12) ? "pm" : "am"; $yyyy =~ /(\d\d)$/; $yy = $1; $hh = sprintf("%02u", $hh); $mm = sprintf("%02u", $mm); $ss = sprintf("%02u", $ss); $dd = sprintf("%02u", $dd); $yy = sprintf("%02u", $yy); $format =~ s/%yyyy%/$yyyy/gi; $format =~ s/%hhhh%/$hhhh/gi; $format =~ s/%ddd%/$ddd/gi; $format =~ s/%mmmm%/$mmmm/gi; $format =~ s/%mmm%/$mmm/gi; $format =~ s/%mm%/$mm/gi; $format =~ s/%dd%/$dd/gi; $format =~ s/%yy%/$yy/gi; $format =~ s/%ss%/$ss/gi; $format =~ s/%hh%/$hh/gi; $format =~ s/%ampm%/$ampm/gi; $format =~ s/%epoch%/$eTime/gi; $format =~ s/%counter_(\d+)%/$CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${1}value"}/gi; while ($format =~ /%(r{1,$maxfactor})%/) { my ($tmp) = $1; $randomno = rand (10 ** length($tmp)); $randomno = int (10 ** $maxfactor + $randomno); $randomno = substr ($randomno, length($randomno) - length($tmp) ); $format =~ s/%${tmp}%/${randomno}/; } return $format; } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: showFile ( filename ) # Make a OS specific call to show a given file for the webserver... # unhides under NT, chmods it under UNIX ############################################################################ sub showFile { ($debug) && (print STDERR "showFile (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); my $filename = shift; no strict 'subs'; if ($OS eq "windows") { Win32::File::SetAttributes($filename, Win32::File::NORMAL) } else { if ($CONFIG{"cgiwrappers"}) { chmod 0644, $filename; } else { chmod 0666, $filename; } } } sub makeScratch() { ($debug) && (print STDERR "makeScratch (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'} || $CONFIG{'filepgpuserid'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdftemplate'}) { if ($OS eq "windows") { my $rand = "$$" . int(rand(99999999)); $rand =~ s/(.{8}).*/$1/; $scratchPad = "${tempDir}$rand"; } else { $scratchPad = "${tempDir}soupermail$$" . int(rand(99999999)); } fatal("Unable to create unique tmp directory:\n\n $scratchPad") if (-e $scratchPad || -d $scratchPad || -l $scratchPad); umask(011); mkdir($scratchPad, 0766) || fatal("can't create tmp area:\n\n $scratchPad"); open (ALLOW, ">${scratchPad}/$allowFile"); print ALLOW "x"; close ALLOW; } } sub cleanScratch { ($debug) && (print STDERR "cleanScratch (@_) \@ " . time . "\n"); ### Clean up the temp scratch pad directory. if ($CONFIG{'pgpuserid'} || $CONFIG{'filepgpuserid'} || $CONFIG{'pdfsendertemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdfmailtemplate'} || $CONFIG{'pdftemplate'} && -d $scratchPad) { ($debug) && (print STDERR "Cleaning $scratchPad\n"); opendir (DIR, $scratchPad); my $item; my @items = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); while ($item = shift (@items)) { if ($item =~ /^[^\.]/ && -f "${scratchPad}/$item") { unlink("$scratchPad/$item"); } } if (-d $scratchPad) { chdir ($tempDir); rmdir ($scratchPad) || (($debug) && print STDERR "Unable to remove $scratchPad $!\n"); } } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: doCounters ( mode_type ) # # Look through the available counters, setting those that need to be set # based on the given mode. ############################################################################ sub doCounters { my $counters = $CONFIG{"counter"}; my $mode = shift; my ($n, $v); while (($n, $v) = each %$counters) { if ($n =~ /(\d+)on$mode/ && $v) { setCounter($1); } } } ############################################################################ # Subroutine: setCounter ( counter_number ) # # Take a counter from the counter hash and increase its value by whatever # step is defined (or one if undefined) ############################################################################ sub setCounter { my $counterNum = shift; my $counterValue = $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}value"} + $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}step"}; if ($CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}set"} || $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}set"} eq "0") { $counterValue = $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}set"} } $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}value"} = $counterValue; if ($CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}file"}) { open(COUNTER, ">" . $CONFIG{"counter"}->{"${counterNum}file"}); print COUNTER $counterValue; close (COUNTER); } } __END__ =head1 NAME Soupermail - a generic CGI WWW form handler written in Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS Eform method="post" action="/cgi-bin/soupermail.pl"E =head1 DESCRIPTION Soupermail is a generic HTML form handling script designed to provide a high degree of control over a form's behaviour and output. It provides the following features: =over 4 =item * Email the contents of a form to one or more email addresses =item * Expire a form based on the date =item * Handle blank forms intelligently =item * Limited conditional control based on the form's contents =item * HTML and text templates =item * Copy the form email to the form's sender =item * PGP encrypt resulting emails (requires PGP 2, 5 or GNUPG installed) =item * Write the contents of a form to a file =item * Write the encrypted contents of a form to a file =item * Generate a unique reference number for each submission =item * Set certain form fields as required =item * Word wrap resulting emails =item * Handle file uploads, and send them on as MIME attachments =item * Access CGI variables through templates =item * Set cookies and display cookies by using templates =item * Send the form's submitter a formatted reply =item * Set any number of counter files up on the server =item * Send mail as HTML and/or plain text =item * Act as a frontend for PDF generation with Lout and GhostScript =item * Attach files to outgoing emails =item * Validate form fields =item * Send customised emails to lists of email addresses =item * Return any mime type back to the browser (eg. XML) =item * Read and write from SQL databases =back Soupermail can be used to handle single standalone forms, or generate and control complex multipart forms. =head1 RESTRICTED FORM FIELDS Soupermail assumes some form fields have special meanings. These field names ARE CASE SENSITIVE. The following is a list of such fields: =over 4 =item B Assumed to be the email address of the form's sender. Needed if the email is to be copied to the sender, or you are using a B. When Soupermail sends and email back, it will use the value of this field as the email's From: address. =item B This is a path to the configuration file that controls soupermail. The path can either be relative to the location of the form, or an absolute path from the webserver's root. If you are using soupermail to generate multipart forms, it is recommended that you use absolute paths. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION FILES Soupermail is controlled on a per form basis by using B. Each form handled by soupermail must have an associated configuration file. The location of the file is passed to soupermail through the PATH_INFO CGI variable, or by using 'SoupermailConf' as a form parameter. The PATH_INFO is set by providing a path after the call to soupermail in the EformE element of the HTML page. =over 4 =item eg. If a form has a configuration file in F, the form should call soupermail with EC
    E or as a form variable with: ECE =back The B method of supplying the config file is recommended. People running under a cgiwrapped environment will have problems with the first method, and even worse, the IIS webserver defaults to not supporting the PATH_INFO method. The path to the configuration file must be relative to the web server's root directory. Do not use URLs or absolute paths to the configuration file. The format for a configuration file is a series of configuration statements of the form: =over 4 C : I> or C then name : I> or C then I : I> =back If a badly phrased or incorrect configuration file is passed to soupermail, it will complain, so always check your soupermail configurations carefully. Valid I for the configuration file are: =over 4 =item B< 7bit> This can be set to B or B. If its B, then email is sent out encoded as quoted printable characters (i.e. 7bit safe). By default though, email is sent out as 8bit, and its assumed the mailservers in the transmission route will handle the 8bit conversions. You should only need to alter this if you are experiencing character corruption in your emails. =item B Set to B or B. When email is sent without a C, the form fields are displayed in the email in alphabetical order. Setting this value to B does not sort the fields, and returns them in the same order that the browser sent them. =item B> Files can be attached to email sent with C and C. B> is a number identifying the attachment. See also C> =over 4 =item eg. =for text C =for man C =for html
    attachment1 : /forms/download/myfile.pdf
    attachment3 : file2.doc
    =back =item Bmime> Since Soupermail doesn't know about MIME types, you may want to set a specific MIME type for an attachment so receiving mail clients know how to deal with them. By default, Soupermail sends text attachments as B and binary attachments as B. See also Cmime> =over 4 =item eg. =for text C =for man C =for html
    attachment2 : /wordfile.doc
    attachment2mime : application/x-msword
    attachment5 : /forms/download/myfile.pdf
    attachment5mime : application/pdf
    =back =item B This is a comma separated list of email addresses to blind carbon copy on the email sent to the C addresses. See also C. =item B A template file to return to the user if they submitted a blank form. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B The MIME type that's returned to the browser for the C template. Also see C, C and C. =item B Set to B or B. If you are running Soupermail in a CGI wrappers type environment, where Soupermail's running with its owner's permissions rather than the webserver's permissions, setting cgiwrappers to B will make the C config command actually work. =item B This specifies the domain name that the cookie will be sent to. By default, no domain is specified for a cookie. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C Will only send cookie1 to pages on the myhost.domainname.com webserver. See the section on L for more information. =back =item B A date or time format indicating when one of the nine available cookies expires. Allowable formats can be relative. eg. B<+1h> means one hour from now, B<-2d> means 2 days ago. The time periods allowable are s = second, m = minute, h = hour, d = day, M = month, y = year. Absolute dates and times can also be specified. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C will expire the first cookie at midday on 1 April 1999. C will expire the second cookie one month from when the form was submitted =back By default, cookies expire 24 hours from when they were set. =item B This sets the name of one of the nine available cookies to a value. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C sets the first cookie's name to 'zippy' =back =item B This specifies which pathnames a cookie will be sent to. By default, this will be to the location where soupermail is stored. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C Would only send cookie 3 to pages below the /products directory of a website. =back =item B This is a yes or no value that specifies whether a cookie will be sent over all connections, or just secure SSL connections. See the section on L for more information. =item B This sets the value of one of the nine available cookies. See the section on L for more information. =item B If set to yes, this will send cookies when a blank form is detected. =item B When set to yes, this will send cookies when a submission past an expires date is sent. =item B When this is set to yes, cookies will be sent out even if the form has been considered a failure. =item B When set to yes, cookies are sent out when the form is considered a success. This is the default behaviour. =item Bfile> Each counter is stored on the webserver in a single file. The file simply contains a number and should be specified in a directory that's writable by the webserver. When a counterfile line is read into the config file, the counter's value is made available for later use in the config file. See L for more information. =item Bonblank> If set to C, this specifies that counter I will be incremented if a blank form is submitted. =item Bonexpires> If set to C this specifies that counter I will be incremented if the form is submitted after its expiry date. =item Bonfailure> If set to C this specifies that counter I will be incremented if the form is missing required fields. =item Bonsuccess> If set to C this specifies that counter I will be incremented if the form is submitted successfully. The default is to increase the counter by is 1. =item Bstep> This is a positive integer value that specifies how much counter I should be increased by. =item B By default, the Subject line of emails is assumed to be 7bit ASCII. However, if you are sending non-ASCII characters, and have set the C option, then Subject lines are encoded as described in RFC 2047. =item B This is an error message that you can generate and that becomes available to use in the config file and templates as C. If an error is set, SQL commands will not run, and Soupermail will run in a failure mode. =item B A date of the format dd-mm-yyyy after which the form cannot be submitted =over 4 =item eg. C =back This means the form would not be submittable after the 24st of December 1998 =item B The MIME type to return to the browser when C is sent out. See also C, C and C. =item B A template file to use if the form has been submitted after its B date. See the section on L for more information. =item B A template to return to the user if they have not completed all the required fields of a form. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B The MIME type to return to the browser when the C template is sent out. See also C, C and C. =item B When writing the contents of a form to a file, new data is usually placed at the end of the file. By setting C, new data can be written at the start of the file (although after any specified header). =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B This specifies a filename for backup files to be written into if a soupermail generated file will grow over a C limit. The value for this can include formatting codes as listed in the L section of this document. This lets you generate a number of backups with a very fine level of detail. The value specified in C will affect any backup files generated. =over 4 =item eg. C would always backup the file to /files/backup.txt C would backup to /files/19980801backup.txt on 1 August 1998. =back =item B This specifies the maximum size a soupermail generated file can grow to in bytes. If a new addition would cause the generated file to grow over C, then the file will be cleared of all other entries. If you would like to save backup copies of the file, rather than simply deleting it, specify a C as described above. To force a deletion after each entry, set the filemaxbytes to 1. Note that setting it to 0 (zero), effectively resets filemaxbytes, and so has no effect. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B If you want to store the data from a form encrypted, you can use C to securely store data. =over 4 =item eg. C Will store data encrypted for vittal.aithal@bigfoot.com =back =item B When writing form data to a file, the file is usually kept unreadable by the webserver. By setting C, the file can be made readable by the webserver. Note that this only affects people reading the file from a web browser, it does not secure the file from other types of access (eg. from FTP or through the filesystem). So, don't go storing credit card numbers in a file unless you're damn sure that your machine's secure. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A template file which determines how a set of form data should be written to the file specified by C. See the section on L for more information. =item B The filename that the contents of a form should be written to. The path is either relative to the location of the configuration file or an absolute path from the web server's root. =over 4 =item eg. C =back If no C is given, the output form a form is written as a series of lines matching: C Where a form field has multiple values, these are listed separated by commas. =item B This is a plain text file that can be placed at the end of files specified by C. =item B A URL for a page to redirect the user to if their form entry was blank. Unlike the C field, the file is not a template, and so should not contain EoutputE elements. CGI variable replacement can be used in the value of C to achieve L. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A URL for a page to redirect to if the form has past its C date. CGI variable replacement can be used in the value of C to achieve L. =item B A URL for a page to redirect the user to if their form entry did not contain all the required fields. Unlike the C entry, this is not a template and should not contain EoutputE elements. CGI variable replacement can be used in the value of C to achieve L. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A URL for a page to redirect the user to if their form entry was successfully completed. Unlike the C field, this is not a template and should not contain EoutputE elements. CGI variable replacement can be used in the value of C to achieve L. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B It is possible to use the GNU Privacy Guard program rather than PGP. If you do use it, then set C to yes in your configuration. If you do not, then Soupermail will assume encryption is using PGP. This command is now deprecated in favour of C. =item B This is a plain text file that can be placed at the start of files specified by C. =item B The HTML email template to use for the L function. This and/or a C must be used for mailing lists to work. =item B This option allows you to send mail formatted in HTML. Only the HTML is sent, images are not encoded or sent. All relative links from the HTML will be from the location of the config file on the server. Probably the best thing to do with HTML templates is use absolute URLs for images and suchlike. If you specify both C and C a mixed text and HTML message is generated. This will allow people who don't have HTML capable mail clients to read your mail. =item B In the same way as C is sent to the C address, this template is used when sending mail to the submitter of the form. It behaves in the same way as C when it comes to link handling. =item B If your HTML forms contain hidden fields, you can C them so that you can check for situations where the user doesn't complete any fields. Only one form field can be specified on an ignore line. Use multiple ignore lines if you wish to ignore more than one field. The soupermail special form variable C is ignored automatically. =over 4 =item eg. =for text C =for man C =for html
    ignore : hidden1
    ignore : hidden2
    This would ignore the values of fields 'hidden1' and 'hidden2' when determining if a form was left blank. =back =item B A conditional statement used to set configuration values based on the user's form input. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C This would set C to accounts@mycompany.com if the form contained a field called 'division' and its value was 'Accounts'. =back =item B This is used to validate a form field to see if its a credit card number. The check performed is a basic Luhn checksum, and doesn't check card ranges. =over 4 =item eg. If you have a field called 'creditc' in your form, and want to validate it, use: C =back If the validation fails, the C template is activated. Validation will not fail if the field is left blank. =item B This is used to validate a form field is an email address. If the validation fails, the failure template is activated. =item B This is used to validate a form field is an integer. If the validation fails, the failure template is activated. =item B Behaves in the same way as the isinteger option, and validates a form field as a number. =item B Used to check is a form field is NOT a credit card number. =item B Used to check is a form field is NOT an email address. =item B Used to check is a form field is NOT an integer. =item B Used to check is a form field is NOT a number. =item B> This defines an attachment that is sent from the server to each mail sent to the mailing list. It's syntax is the same as that of C>. =item Bmime> This is the MIME type for an attachment sent to the mailing list. See Cmime> for the syntax. =item B When HTML email is sent to a mailing list, Soupermail inserts a Content-Location email header based on the submitting form's URL. Use this option to modify it for your own needs. Similar to C and C. =item B The email address to use in the From: field for emails sent out using Soupermail's L function. =item B Sometimes, you may want to send emails to a mailing list sent to the form through a form field. This config command says which form field contains this data. =item B When email is sent out with Soupermail's L function, the Precedence mail header is set to prevent mail loops. It can take one of three possible values; B, B and B. By default, the Precedence value is B. =item B The email address to use in the Reply-To: field for emails sent out using Soupermail's L function. =item B The data for a mailing list can be pulled from a SQL database as long as the C, C, C and appropriate C values have been set. C is an SQL command in the same format as C> commands. The data returned from the SQL statement must have the user's email address as the first column. =item B The Subject: line to be used for emails sent out using the L function. =item B The plain text message template to use for the L function. This and/or a C must be specified for a mailing list to work. =item B When HTML email is sent to the C address, Soupermail inserts a Content-Location email header based on the submitting form's URL. Use this option to modify it for your own needs. Similar to C and C. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B This defines the character set to send email as. It defaults to iso-8859-1. =item B This option is the location for a L file. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A template file to use when formatting the outgoing email. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A comma separated list of email addresses to send the results of the email to. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B When set, Soupermail will allow file uploads from web browsers using RFC1867 and will attach the uploaded files as MIME attachments on resulting emails. =over 4 =item eg. C This would allow MIME attachments to be sent. =back =item B When saving results to a file, it is sometimes useful to remove newline characters from the results. Setting C will do this. =over 4 =item eg. C This would remove newline characters from fields written to a file. =back =item B Do not display the hostname and IP address details at the foot of each outgoing email. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B This is a lout template file that will be processed into a PDF and returned to the browser. If you want to use this option, don't specify a C template in your config file. See the L section for more details. =item B This is a lout template file that will be processed into a PDF and returned to the C email recipient as an email attachment. It can be used in conjunction with C and C. =item B This is a lout template file that will be processed into a PDF and returned to the email address given in the B form field. It can be used in conjunction with C and C. =item B By default, Soupermail will send PGP messages as a multipart/encrypted MIME message (as per RFC 2015). However, not all PGP mail plugins recognise this format (eg, the Pegasus mail PGP plugin). Setting pgpmime to B will not encapsulate the PGP message in MIME headers. =item B If set to 'no', then PDF's generated with Soupermail are NOT encrypted when sent. Instead, they are attached to the encrypted content of the email. The default behaviour is to encrypt PDFs. =item B This is the port number of a HTTP PGP 5 keyserver. The default port is 11371. The hostname for the server is specified with B below. See the section on L for more information. =item B This is the hostname of a HTTP PGP 5 keyserver to get PGP keys from. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B If set to 'no', then uploaded files are NOT encrypted when sent. Instead, they are attached to the encrypted content of the email. The default behaviour is to encrypt uploaded files. =item B A user in the public keyring which outgoing email should be encrypted for. See the section on L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B From version 1.0.8, this is the prefered mechanism for selecting the type of encryption to use. Values for this can currently be 'gpg', 'pgp2' and 'pgp5'. By using this field, future versions of PGP and GNUPG can be supported. =item B A format for a reference number to be generated and used as the I CGI variable. See the sections on L and L for more information. =over 4 =item eg. C This may generate a reference like: REF9704016364 on April 1 1997 =back =item B An email address that will be used in the Reply-To: mail header. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B A boolean expression which determines which form fields must be completed. The entry is composed of field names separated by && (AND) and || (OR) operators. See the section on L for more details. =over 4 =item eg. C The above expression requires either the fields name and address to be completed, or the field telephone to be completed. =back =item B This will CC the sender of the form a copy of the email message sent as a result of the form. This requires the form to have a field called Email (case sensitive), which is assumed to be the sender's email address. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B When HTML email is sent to the submitter of a form, Soupermail inserts a Content-Location email header based on the submitting form's URL. Use this option to modify it for your own needs. Similar to C and C. =item B This is a comma separated list of email addresses to blind carbon copy on the email sent to the form's sender when a C is specified. See also C. =item B When using a C, the email address used in the email back to the form's sender is set to this. The preferred order email addresses are chosen for the sender's From field is: =over 4 =item * senderfrom =item * senderreplyto =item * mailto =item * replyto =item * sender's email address =back This field is useful if you need an auto-reply function from your form, but don't want to obviously expose the mailto address directly to the sender of a form. =item B An email address that will be used in the Reply-To: mail header for mails sent with the C config option. =item B Used in conjunction with C, this is a subject line only to be used in email messages send directly back to the form's submitter. If its not set, the subject line set with the C config line is used. =item B This is a template file for an email to be sent back to whoever submitted the form. It takes the email address to send this to from the B form variable. The From field of the email is set to either the C or C configuration values. See the section on L for more information. =item B> This sets the value of a counter prior to any templates being filled based on the counter's onsuccess, onfailure, onblank and onexpires config values. =item B> Using the C command allows you to specify a variable that will be used in the next SQL statement specified by a C> command. =over 4 =item eg. =for text C =for html
    sqlbind2: "$form_second_field"
    sqlrun1: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE field1 = ? AND field2 = ?
    In this example, the value of the form field "second_field" is used to replace the second question-mark value in the SQL statement. =back Binding does all the character escaping needed by the SQL, so there is no need to enclose strings in single quotes. =item B This is the DBI name for the next database connection you will use. You can use multiple connections during the course of a config file. The format for the name is the normal DBI format. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B This is the connection password that will be used for the next SQL command run in the config file. Usually used with C. =over 4 =item eg. C =back =item B> Multiple SQL statements can be executed in a config file, and each statement is defined by a C> command. Statements are executed in the order they are seen in the config file, working from top to bottom. The number at the end of the C> name is used to identify the results of the command for later use in the config file and in templates. Variables that you want to use in your SQL command that come from form, cookie or counter data must be passed in by I the values. Binding involves using a question-mark character to represent a variable, and setting a C command to indicate something to use. =over 4 =item eg. =for text C =for html
    sqlbind1: "$form_name"
    sqlrun1: SELECT id FROM users WHERE name LIKE ?
    The bind command attaches the value of the form field to the first question-mark in the next SQL statement. In this case, if the value of the form field 'name' was 'fred', then the SQL command would become: C