People who have contributed to Soupermail, raised issues, or just asked a question that has prompted some development: Adam D Moss (the man who probably sparked Soupermail going GPL) Adelaide (epoch time formatting suggestion and helping out on the forums) Alan Pollenz (for making me look at the boolean parsing again) Andres (Picking up on busted conditionals) April Roberson (For the nicest card and chocolate I've ever been sent) Barry Thoms (for picking up some internationalisation issues) Ben Hanes (Installer testing) Bill Gore (for the nice comments, even though he was just out of hospital!) Bruce Bennett (Smashing Belgian beer) Caj Högberg (for the Swedish blondes ;-) x 2! Chris Croome (for prompting me about the mime extensions needed) Chris Peckham (an original Soupermail hacker) Chuck Neal Colin Mitchell (DBI/DBD work) Crystal Hill Dan Kletter (yum, beer! and lots of stress testing... my stress :) David Cross (For prompting about the time offset) Dominic Standage (for the beer; and he throws one hell of a party :) Erik Bystrom Garrett (bringer of beer and applet testing!) Gavin Matthews (for testing lots) Jake Fairhead (good luck at ;-) Jay Donaldson (yum, blondes!) Joe McManus (mail handling) John Nicholls (GPG testing) Justin Farrell (many thanks for the beer :) Ken Lonyai (hmm, more beer - Hoegaarden too! :) Kurt Merhoff (wow - dynamite beer!) Mara Charnell Marc Fischman (installation feedback) Mark Hofmann (Xitami feedback) Mark Osborne (Yummy beer!) Markus Bartsch Martin Bayer (for telling me about the Precedence mailist header) Massimo Selva (a superb beer selection!... drinking some at the moment !-) Matt Grommes Michael Hatzlhoffer (picking up a mail header bug) Oliver Smith (for putting up with UUNET customers using it :) Paul Franchois Pico Lantini (for loads of beer !-) Rogério (aka Cyvision) ...Ross... Santiago Fainstein Sarah Stapleton-Gray Sonny Windstrup (for being encouraging about the pre-GPL versions, and saying it was cool) Tom Kopke (excellent timing for sending dark ales!) Thorsten Ziegler Tony Wood (installer testing) Vic66 (installer testing) William Chau (conditional template idea and testing) Also, all the folks doing the following projects: Lincoln Stein for - Eryq for MIME::Lite - The GNUPG developers - Jeff Kingston for Lout - The Ghostscript developers - And thanks go out to the bods at for the groovy development environment they provide. Cheers chaps! Apologies for anyone I've forgotten. -- $Id: credits.txt,v 1.10 2001/01/25 02:01:17 aithalv Exp $